Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

nnnnnnnnnnot really, no. it’s pretty much the same Felicia we see here and in The Guild (which, big thank you Pike!). she does some slayage in the finale, but up until then–not so much with the bad(sorry, barb!)

ETA: anyone know if the soundtrack will be released (soon, soon, soon)?

Same here! I’ve been singing the first song (On the Rise?) from Act II all day, but only the Doc’s part.:confused: Little bit scary. “Trust your instincts.” I’m not ready for Act III yet. I don’t want it to end.

There’s an interview with Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen here and they address the soundtrack. Short answer: soon, but not too soon. :frowning:

Oh my giddy-od!:eek: I just finished watching act III and I have to say that I totally didn’t see that coming. Yikes! I need a sequel now, Joss. Please.

yeah, what she said


Why exactly… [spoiler]did the Death Ray explode?
why did CptHammer get hurt?
Wait… could Hammer just have been a regular cocky dude… who was really good at acting superhero-ish? :eek: … awesome.[/spoiler]

Good Stuff… the ending, while clever (as all things Joss) left a little to be desired. [spoiler]It kinda just deflated instead of came to a close. Is it more tragic that way? or an unfortunate self-implosion?[/spoiler]

And I can’t believe Bad Horse [spoiler]was AN ACTUAL FUCKIN’ HORSE!


I liked the whedonverse cameos in this one–marti and fury as the anchors, drew goddard as fake thomas jefferson. I’ll have to pay closer attention next time

and Bad Horse…well, what can one say?

obtained music from 1&2 BOM–will buy soundtrack the instant is available, but in the meantime :smiley:

[spoiler]wow…the ending makes perfect sense though cause now he’s got nothing to live for and nothing to lose…anyone ever see fat man and little boy?? this kind of reminded me of that…oppenheimers mistress committed suicide and he was all gung ho for the bombs…john cusack’s character was trying to get all the other scientists to ban the bomb cause he was engaged to the girl of his dreams and had a life to look forward to…all i can say is OH MY GOD!! THEY KILLED PENNY!!! YOU BASTARDS!!![/spoiler]

spoiler tags, dear, spoiler tags!!!

thank you moderator Solai!!!

The end

[spoiler]Is like nearly all origin stories so I’m cool with it. [/spoiler]

On Captain Hammer

[spoiler]I figure he’s got limited invulnerability as well as super strength (He did throw a car at the Doc in the 2nd part) and like he said this was the first time he ever felt pain so he freaked out [/spoiler]

Hm, yes please… I should have known better to read this thread until I start Act 3. But still.

just curious…when can we start talking about our reactions to what we’ve seen? and i wasn’t aware it was a spoiler if the episode is already out and viewable??? very confused and sad that i can’t read anyone elses reactions?? :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe it’s customary if the thread doesn’t have ‘spoiler-free’ in the title, and the show has had it’s public airing, you are in the clear. Spoiler-Free threads are specifically made for those who don’t like spoilers. In general I think it’s common sense to stay away from threads till you’ve seen the topic or if you don’t mind learning about it, spoilers and all. Hence, I’m staying clear of all Batman threads till I see The Dark Knight.

I always think it’s hilarious that people throw fits over spoilers about movies from books that are decades or centuries old.

Passion of the Christ: [spoiler]Hey guess what, Jesus DIES at the end![/spoiler]

I was a little let down by the naivete of Penny. A rare Joss character I didn’t admire (beyond being deliciously pasty and adorable). She just seemed underused and paid the ultimate price for being slow on the take. I would have liked to see something in her that really drew NPH to her.

The ending also was a slice of letdown as it felt more like a ‘time’s up, let’s pack it in’ montage when I’d rather see them devote a little more time to what really happened to the characters. Yeah I hate montage endings, they are a ripoff. They easily could have got an other song or 2 (for each surviving) just to give each some genuine closure and benefit from a fuller sense of change. On the plus Nathan Fillon and NPH (NeilsPerHour!) really went for it and managed to elevate the whole thing. I don’t think it would have worked without them.

It was a good effort with some inspired choices and 2 great leads who stole the show. In the realm of ‘made for internet’ movies, it’s a masterpiece. Hopefully it will inspire more quality productions online. And wake up studios to the real value of webcontent (and stop screwing over the creative forces who make them)

I should watch it over with some friends and pay attention to:
-CptHammer’s ‘invulnerability’ I think he’s just a bully who likes beating up people and being a superhero just gives him license to do so :stuck_out_tongue: Which is bizarre, unbelievable, clever and amusing all at the same time. He always got the jump on Horrible, etc and never had to defend himself. If he’s just an ordinary dude that would be a creative masterstroke… tho albiet a little too unclear. He certainly acted like a schoolyard bully when someone finally socks him in the face.
-If DrHorrible’s gun somehow removed his invincibility then that doesn’t make much sense either… nor does why did it even explode in the first place? It worked fine on the ceiling what changed?
-The blog version of the last 2 words is an very interesting choice. I’ll enjoy throwing around the directing aims on that on for a while (Also another good place for a song or reprise, mentioned earlier…)

In a word:
MORE!!! :slight_smile:

Bad horse was a fucking HORSE!!! :eek: OhEmGee :smiley: lololol

that kind of goodness can’t survive (what penny represented)
i interpreted this whole thing as “origins of dr. horrible” and now he really is horrible because he has nothing to live for and nothing to lose and i loved the POV from the closing doors back to the blog for the last line…did i spoil anything??? it feels like you won’t know what the hell i’m talking about!! :slight_smile:

Yeah, if it has “aired” it’s not a spoiler. I think some people lost track of when they were coming out (I didn’t realize that two was out so early.) But if that happens, stop reading and go watch it!

Still digesting act three. That was–unexpected.

hahaha I love this thing

“here goes no mercy…” i don’t think he was gonna be able to go through with it especially if penny had made her presence known…cause she was all he really wanted anyway (his world) and she was obviously realizing capt hammer really was a tool after the “yeh we totally had sex” thing and him calling her a quiet nerdy thing…yeh i am thinking it’s definately how billy became horrible…

I agree!

Joss likes to leave messy stuff to interpretation. No easy answers. grrr. argh.

Dummy me, didn’t catch on that this was an origin story, so I got blindsided by the Penny thing.

Writhing Nathan! Awesome!

NPH is supreme.

The ending was spot on, I thought.


I bet we get a sequel if this pans out for Joss and Crew.

pike are you working on getting us the lyrics to the hero song??? /she asks heart in my throat :slight_smile:
& can anyone read what capn hammer wrote on the autographed pic?? & is the joke about ‘let’s be our best…next up…who’s gay?’ was that about nph?? just curious… :slight_smile: