Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Aaaaand it’s back down. Bummer, the GF still hasn’t seen it. I’d pick up the iTunes but DRM is teh suck.

ETA: of course, it is available BOM.

we couldn’t compromise your principles for a bit o’ fluff like Dr Horrible. must say, though Pike, picture is better in iTunes

you’d think it would be on hulu, wouldn’t you?

Unless I’m confusing things, the web feed IS hulu.

yeah, but I mean accessible through the hulu site

I totally forgot Dr.Horrible was starting up this week. I just finished watching Act 1. I love it. I got a big smile on my face when I saw Nathan riding on top of the Van.

Yeah, that’s where I was trying to go with that. Why wouldn’t it be? They weren’t serving ads, unless I just blocked that out.

I searched for it on hulu–didn’t come up. I got there from here

Down again :frowning:

Argh, so frustrated. Should I go to iTunes and spend $$. Wait, what am I thinking- it’s Whedon. Of course I should.

This link worked for me, even when I couldn’t get the video through the normal channels. (Got this from the whedonesque forums for Dr. Horrible.)

That was pretty good. I despise streaming, my internet connection isn’t great at the moment so I had to find it another way. I’ll certainly be buying the DVD once it is released. I may have to buy a Captain Hammer t-shirt.

It is worth the $3.99!

I can put it on my ipod! Play the music in the car!

And NPH is awesome in it! Genius!

NF is hysterically pompous and self-involved! Love it!

FD is sweet! Hope she gets more play.

And it’ll just download automatically- that part, I like!

took four hours to download the first 13 minute act and cost me 1.99 but totally worth it!!! :slight_smile: /sings a man’s gotta dooooo what a man’s gotta doooooo! LOVE NF!! he’s definately worth using my beer money for the other two acts!! :slight_smile:

Neil Patrick Harris’s delivery and timing are so perfect! And Nathan Fillion is such a good crappy superhero. His pants, though, could be tighter.

So Say We All!

Love it so far! (still number 1 on iTunes in the TV Seasons category)

NPH and Nathan Fillion are hilarious :slight_smile:

It will be interesting for Joss Whedon (who financed the whole project from his pocket) to assess this new model of tv show. Would you be ready to pay $1.99 per episode (or a season pass) for an internet-only series from, say, Joss Whedon or Ron Moore?

the longer you wait the more you will hate yourself!!

"yo mama so dumb she went to bangkhok to get a thai fighter! :slight_smile:

“i would…cours that ain’t exactly plan A” :slight_smile:

first Captain Tightpants, now Captain Hammer? hmmmm… does Joss know something we don’t?

I TOTALLY LAUGHED OUT LOUD WHEN I READ THIS!! you are too funny!! :slight_smile:

I am more than happy to pay $3.99 for the whole deal, and I definitely think that keeping web shows like this to a shorter format will be the best way forward, but I would not pay $1.99/ep for this indefinitely. I think the answer will be something in between, like serialized 15m mini-episodes available for download at a cost of more like $0.50-$1.00 each is more reasonable.

Speaking of which, was that gun formerly a prop on Firefly? Perhaps something from Jayne’s bunk? It looked strangely familiar, and I’m not in the habit of introducing myself to strange guns.