GWC Podcast #108

Good point. Duly noted. Even if Jar-Jar and the Trade Federation guys would have been more palatable with their own languages instead of some semi-ethnic accents, I can understand how it’d be tough to have major characters speaking gibberish, especially so early in the film.

That shade of pink makes baby Yoda cry.

I was trying to find a color that would catch the eye, but the red they got here is hardly readable.

Audra when you mentioned the body part count I had to laugh. I watched the SW movies one after the other for a week. I never noticed how many arms and hands went flying until I watched the movies so close together. I guess since they are somewhat easy to replace it is kinder than killing, but it is a bit much.

If the Jedi aim is so great why didn’t they just cut the light saber in half? Ok, the answer is probably that the ooooo how cool factor would be gone. :cool:

I really enjoyed the podcast.

My pleasure - glad ya like it. But also have to give props to …

…cuz ya know that call just wasn’t pleasant

If you haven’t yet, drop what you’re doing and check out the Robot Chicken Star Wars (see previous post). Immediately. Seriously.

“Yo’ mama’s so dumb, she thinks Jar Jar comes with pickles pickles!”

All YouTube clips, for the entire thing:

Found another link from the page with the WWII-style Star Wars figures.

This one is Steampunk Star Wars:

3PO looks p*ssed.

In the best of ways : )

It’s a Trap



Boba Fett Unplugged

Given the recent discussions about language and misunderstandings one line in this weeks, “This American Life” had me howling with laughter. They are discussing how some thoughts one had as a child sometimes don’t get corrected until adulthood. My favorite was:

“My friend thought ‘quesadilla’ until his early 20s was Spanish for, ‘how are you doing?’”

the longer you wait the more you will hate yourself!!

"yo mama so dumb she went to bangkhok to get a thai fighter! :slight_smile:

Frakkin’ brilliant! :smiley:

Isn’t everything? :rolleyes:

Truer words have yet to be spoken

They’re doing a DVD release “Robot Chicken: Star Wars” on the 22nd. Get thee to a Borders or Best Buy or whereever you get DVDs. Best $10 you’ll ever spend

That’s awesome. :slight_smile:

that is totally freakin awesome…silly me for taking star wars and empire at face value!! it really does fill in a lot of gaps for me BUT it still always bothers me that owen doesn’t recognize threepio (and don’t give me the crap about he didn’t have coverings…he still had the same annoying homo robotic personality traits LOL!! :slight_smile:

Han Solo as a meatbag 3PO. it explains so much

So I’m horrendously slow on stuff like this apparently. Okay, haven’t heard the podcast yet, but I finished watching E3 for the rewatch. A few thoughts:

Mace Windu is the black guy who technically doesn’t die first! :stuck_out_tongue: But at the same time, he is taken out by an evil white dictator. Now if only he could’ve drowned in poo-water and plastic beads, we’d have full-on premonition :stuck_out_tongue:

“Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil!
“From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!”
“Oh come on Anakin, that’s such total bulls*!t! Nobody will ever go for that ‘point of view’ rubbish!”

Padme is a role model for battered housewives confirm/deny “there’s still good in him Officer … I mean Obi-wan.”

The first half hour is the best half hour of cinema I have ever seen, especially on a plasma screen with 5.1 … the way the gods intended :stuck_out_tongue:

The entire thing can be blamed on the Jedi council. Here’s why: Anakin has proved that he’s ridiculously powerful, yet at no point have the council trusted him, and some members have even seemed to loathe him (funny, since they aren’t supposed to hate). He’s not without blame, but that can be chalked up to him being a teenager for a lot of what we see, and indeed a lot of the time he’s a Jedi.

[soapbox] And as for Order 66 (which was just one of over a hundred such orders, each created specifically for the clone GAR, and many being failsafes for extreme situations, including Order 65 where the clones take out the Chancellor), the clones at no point had ANY CHOICE in their lives. They were called into existence, had their lives accelerated x2, and at age ten, thrown into a horrific galactic war against machines on either hell-hole planets or planets with colonists who just wanted to have a planetary economy. Thousands (millions? numbers are tricky with this issue) died, and thousands (millions?) more were seriously injured (in one of the Republic Commando books, the commandos incorporate a standard clone trooper who has lost both his hands). They do all this because they have no choice. They fight for a “republic” in which they have no suffrage, a health plan where they are euthanised if they can’t continue fighting, and the possibility of unemployment/execution upon war’s end (point of view from within the clone wars, not knowing the Sith Lord’s ultimate plans of course).

And the Jedi, who claim moral authority in the Republic and the Galaxy, never mention a god damned thing. I would’ve pulled the trigger myself.


i had a iykwim moment today!! hearkening back to the thread about barb being a dangling participle??? my ex hubby said he didn’t like when guys ‘prepositioned’ me and i told him well there were never any participles dangled, so what was he complaining about! :slight_smile:

tried to do the lelu dallas multi quote…can’t tell if it’s my internet or if i’m clicking the button incorrectly

anakins point of view argument ~ there are no heroes or villians because everyone thinks they’re righteous…anakin has his world views and opinions on how things should be (much like myself and in fact if anakin told ME “together we can rule the galaxy…make things the way we want them to be” i’m probly the only girl if i was his wife i would TOTALLY SAY YES!!!)when he tells pada mamay in attack of the clones that he thought someone wise should make the senators play nicely?? and in rots when informed that the senate has voted even more emergency power to palpatine, he was happy that time wouldn’t be wasted debating stuff in committee

padme as co dependent wife~ love it! i also thought it would have been more realisitic of the character she developed into to respond to anakin’s anger at her request that he use his friendship with palpatine to encourage to return to diplomacy should have been “forgive me…you’re right…i had not right to ask that of you…hold me…like you did on naboo…so long ago…blah blah…”

again, it puzzles me that a collectivist organization is in charge of the freedom and democracy of the individuals of the republic lol