Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Moist has a comic up on the Dark Horse Myspace.

This isn’t really Dr.Horrible related, but Neal Patrick Harris does sing and dance in it:

It’s a funny skit called “Prop 8 --The Musical”. A lot of big stars in it—John C. Reily, Margret Cho, Allsion Janney…
And how can you really go wrong with Jack Black as Jesus?

OMG, that was so awesome!!! I really loved when Jesus himself comes out in the middle of it and starts questioning Leviticus :slight_smile:

also unrelated–Joss (and RDM!) make guest appearances in the intro/teaser to the new season of Robot Chicken

Did anyone get their Dr. Horrible DVD from It came out a couple weeks ago. I used an Amazon gift card to buy it. Here’s the link in case anyone else is interested:

Yep, I got mine! Made the whole extended family watch it on New Year’s Eve >.>

The special features are so far beyond awesome it’s not even funny. Except…it is…funny.

I bought the soundtrack off of AmazonMP3 a while back, and played it in the car for my mother-in-law. She thought it was hilarious, especially Captain Hammer’s line, “… if you’re not a friggin’ tard, you will prevail…”

Even though i am gettign the DVD in a couple days i am watching it on HULU again. It is so soo good

YAY. I R Watching Commentary! The Musical. Its splendid

Just saw on twitter that Chuck finally saw this. Three words:


LOL :smiley: Yay Chuck!

Are we sure that’s not an April Fool’s joke?

If it is, we’ll have to fly down to TX, and force him to watch it.

He’ll thank us later…

Did nobody think of that during the meetup?

yeah, but at that point I was too tired to do anything about it :slight_smile:

I realized the other day my sons (ages 4 & 7) know the words to almost all the songs, and now argue while playing about who gets to be “Dr Horrible” & who is “Captain Hammer”.

Is that wrong? :smiley:

It’s pretty kid-friendly. Just good silly fun.

Depends. Which is considered the ‘winners choice?’

Dr. Horrible would be my choice. He has the better songs.

Not sure, but I know on a bad day, one has to be “Penny”. :eek:

Wow. Quite by accident I just discovered that Sarah Michelle Geller is in Dr. Horrible. Catch her as the girl in the pink rimmed sunglasses in the third act sitting next to the groupies!

Check IMDB for proof!