Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

I miss the head thumps on the van in “A Man’s Gotta Do”. But I am so NOT complaining.

Interview with NPH: there’s a nice chunk in the middle about Dr Horrible

I do miss some of the sound effects that were in the mp3s extracted from the video, (NOT missed when that van driver is screaming “HEY”) but the quality of the official soundtrack more than makes up for the lack of feet-on-van-roof, head-to-van, or horrible-foot-on-hammer-head smashing sounds

Makes my “Sci Fi Way” sound uber-crappy in comparison :stuck_out_tongue:

I DO like that they left in the “Balls”

Thanks Lady D! That was great interview. I thot NPH was so great in Dr. Horrible that now I’m keen on watching How I Met Your Mother.

HIMYM is actually a very funny show. And for Whedon fans, there’s Allison Hannigan. Neil steals the show, though, for sure.

I admit, I add those back in whenever I listen by smacking the nearest surface with my hand. Of course, I don’t do that when I listen to it in public…most of the time…:o

I miss: “She talked to me. Why’d she talk to me now?”


“lacy, gently wafting curtains”

You shut your mouth(But don’t bite off your tongue), that’s a work of art and should be featured in the podcast

a snippet of NPH before emmys. about 25 quality seconds about Dr H

Must… fight… urge… to watch… Dr. Horrible… again…!

Why fight it? You and Dr. H were meant to be!

DVD expected to be out in time for xmas!!! according to interview w/Michael Boretz

Just at the dentist reading actual paper magazine, and noticed that Dr Horrible has made Time Magazine’s Top 50 Inventions of 2008 list, coming in at …drum roll please…

Number 15 !!!


Have you ever had one of those moments that stops you in your tracks and makes you go, “Wha…?”

I remember clearly the first time I heard, “Ice, Ice Baby” by Vanilla Ice. The song came on the radio and I thought, “Cool, Under Pressure by Queen is making a comeback!” Of course, that thought was fleeting as Vanilla’s enhancements began. I swear to you I almost drove off the road.

More recently…like 3 minutes ago I am sitting at work listening to my iPod working on a presentation. My sister gave me a mix CD of songs she thought I would like so I was listening to that. One song came on that I had never heard and yet stopped me in my tracks.

Check out this link and tell me that song, especially the beginning doesn’t sound very, very familiar.

Good artist borrow. Great artists steal. :smiley:

Bond. James Bond. It leaps to mind. What is it from?

I had to download it. I dig it.

Not sure if it is from anything specific, but it reminded me of “Everything You Ever” at about 2:27.

My take exactly.

The DVD is now availible to pre order on Amazon. It’s due to be released on 17th of December. I’ve ordered my copy.

EDIT: Damn just realised there’s a post in the Catalogue forum. I missed it, I would have ordered that way. Sorry

I feel a little late to game posting this up, But what I really like about Dr. Horrible is that if you look for it. It is like a lot things Joss does coughfireflycough a multilayered show. And spouts a huge curiosity of questions, at least for me. About the world its in. And the characters. And after watching it, it seems to leave me hungering for more.

Sweet news about the DVD Magnus…I know someone who’ll be getting that for christmas.