Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

I too discovered that quite by accident.

Where ‘quite by accident’ = ‘listened to the actual commentary track.’

I love this mini-musical internet…thing. Hoping for a sequel, somehow. I have the DVD, and love the Commentary!The Musical.

On the commentary track, it sounded to me like they were joking, because when it aired, they saw a person in the audience that kinda looked a little bit like SMG, so there were all these rumors. I always took it as if they were making fun of all the fuss people were making over a rumor. If it wasn’t, I’m not sure why they all started laughing once Neil said “Oh, and that Sarah Michelle Gellar”.

Huh. I’ll have to listen again.

Woe is me.

Actually it went something like this:

Stream of consciousness: ON

Maybe I should watch Firefly tonight. Joss Whedon rocks. I wonder why I never got into Buffy? Hehehehe…I am a sick man. I wonder what SMG has been up to? <> Oh, right, she did those horror movies and…Dr. Horrible? Wha? To iTunes! How do I screen capture on the Mac? Oh, that was easy. I have to share with my homies on GWC and hope Pike doesn’t give me craaaaaap.

I thought the same thing, but then I saw this interview with Joss:

It’s at the 2:23 mark :slight_smile: You can see him sighing at the question and then saying, nope, not her.

Really? Topgun, BSG Widow, and I got to watch it on the big screen at CSTS Boston two weeks ago and none of us noticed a SMG lookalike.

There’s a screenshot of the SMG lookalike one page back :slight_smile: She looks like SMG with a wig on, but alas, it’s not her.

It’s the girl sitting right next to the groupies in the “Everyone’s a hero” scene.

I was wondering why she was done up with the glasses etc. Now I’m wondering if it was her, but she wasn’t supposed to be there for some contractual/SAG reason.

That is exacTly what I think … although for the life of me I can’t figure out why that would be.

I loved this show, and got it on my iPod! Loved it, even in spite of the sad and wistful ending. I really hope Joss continues to buck the system and produce studio-free awesomeness! :smiley:

so I’m late to the show here, but I got it from netflix tonight, loved it so much I just watched it through twice in a row! :smiley:

can’t believe I never got around to watching it sooner

Makes sure to watch it with the Musical Commentary

Welcome to the par-tay. Definitely watch with commentary and perhaps purchase the commentary soundtrack. I have to listen to, “Ninja Ropes” every few weeks.


wait, you can purchase the Commentary! soundtrack?!?

Its also on the DVD if you have that.

Yeah, but that’s harder to pull into iTunes.

I’m gonna have to go buy myself a copy, I have it on right now and I’ve played it 2 more times this week from my netflix copy, its turning into one of those things I can just leave on in the background and still enjoy

Here’s BrettAZ’s tribute video for Dr. H. He’s Captain Hammer, of course!

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“freeze ray,” piano+violin cover:


New trailer online for “Tur-Mohel 2: Electric Boogaloo”:

If you were on the Twitter, you’d know that already.

