Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

I’m laughing so hard I think my eyebrows are going to explode off of my forehead and land in the cat food bowl.

Soundtrack available at iTunes now!!!

OMGz! OMGz! 14 songs! Wow, really that many? Holy Craap. Purchased and Downloading now…:smiley:

Thanks Lady D.

Wow. That’s was quite colorful. And yet, where is Barb? :slight_smile:

I’ve downloaded only a few due to funds right now.

Lady D, thou hast brought joy to mine heart! THANKS!!! I’m downloading like a skin job!

liner notes here

Long Live the E(vil) L(eague) o(f0 E(vil)

Man, I guess I didn’t realize what an obsessed Dr. Horrible fan I’ve become.
Last night, less then 20 minutes after you gave the word that the Soundtrack was available, I bought it, downloaded, synch it, and listened to the whole damn thing. Great stuff.:smiley:

Man, I am just itching to get home tonight and dl it even though my discretionary income between now and Sept 12 is zero dollars.

I deleted the bootleg versions & have listened the soundtrack 4 times already. I wished I had this soundtrack last week though.

GODS Bless JOSS & his genuis mind!!

Ok…so everyone else after downloading discovered the files were not completely tagged so you went and updated the files with composer and lyrics, right? I am not being compulsive…right? Right? :eek:

…this album rocks. I love the nuance at the beginning and end of the songs that was lost. Little disappointed that they didn’t complete “My Freeze Ray”

Hmmm…Nope. Mine were completely tagged and fine. But I did get a personal email from Joss Whedon saying that he likes me better than you. So that might explain why you had trouble.:eek:

Freeze Ray is incomplete? I’ll have to go listen to it again now…(I guess you already know it’s my favorite song (see sig below).)

Dammit. Damn you Joss! Damn you! <shakes fist>

I thought I had read they were going to “complete” the song as Dr. Horrible is interrupted whilst singing it.

me too. Caring Hand as well. they just end so abruptly

I’m still a little miffed at joss & co for putting the kibosh on cafepress merch. it was soooooo much cooler than what they’re selling at

I don’t know, can you blame them? They are trying to recoup their losses. Sure, the standard merch may not be as funny, so they should change their model to allow others to contribute while they receive a percent of revenue.

wonderflonium idea! pass it along

I saw someone at Dragon Con with a shirt with 2 fists and said: “These are not the Hammer”. So I’m sure we can make are own shirts.

  • I meant “our”, not “are”
    I have no excuse for why I did that. :o

i never really thot of Freeze Ray as incomplete. the ending works very well. “with my freeze ray i will stop-” it’s very clever, in a sort of cute pop-songwriter-in-joke way.

ExacTly. C.F. the other lines about the freeze ray. The joke is set up early on.

That’s very true. Well said.