Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

At Dragon Con, they had a Dr Horrible Sing Along Show with actors. It was so much fun. I love the way Joss brings people together, it’s so shiny.

Massive amounts of envy over here! Words cannot express…

I am so jealous of you GWCs that get to go to these conventions. Enjoy.

I am the last person to figure out it is hysterical that Dougie Howser M.D. grew up to become Dr. Horrible?

What? Just now?

yes. you are officially The. Last. Person. to figure that out :smiley:

but we love you anyway

I checked and you are indeed the very last person, being narrowly edged out by a old woman in Ethiopia who only just saw it and was having a bit of difficulty with the language barrier.

Collect your prizes.

I thought I was the last person to figure it out. I was slightly thrown by the Old Spice ads.


There are others out there like you.

I love your evil role call icon. Cheney… I didn’t know it was possible to have approval ratings in negative numbers

Just remember, the boy went from an MD early in life and changed career paths to get his PhD in Horribleness… we all know how well that worked out for him!

He is, after all, the world’s first documented blogger.

I think I have a problem, I just watched the Horrible panel and am now watching Dr. Horrible AGAIN! This may be getting unhealthy.

There must be a support group to help you somewhere. I am not sure if the GWC gang would be any help in quitting the habit.

Zack’s pictures from Comic-Con are up at facebook. if you look really closely at this one, you can see sitakatherine & offspring, and bkitty & me :smiley:

Unhealthy? Are you kidding? There’s no such thing as unhealthy when it comes to Doctor Horrible.

FYI, as the resident GWC Sesame Street field reporter…we had a recent appearance of someone everyone in this thread will appreciate…


The Shoe Fairy? Yeesh.

couldn’t they have chosen someone other than a gay man to be the shoe fairy? :smiley:

To be honest, I had some of the same thoughts after…briefly. In context it is simply cute and funny. I was actually surprised to hear him singing at full voice…Dr. Horrible is very ratcheted back in terms of vocal power.

“What is up with the tooth fairy? He steals teeth…weird…”