Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

He is great! They are all great! Uber!

Anxiously waiting for the soundtrack!

Moist is great. I love him in The Big Bang Theory. I was laughing forever after I heard his name.

I couldn’t stop laughing after his “look at me, I’m Moist! At my worst I make people feel like they want to take a shower” bit.

Then I went and had a shower…

I’m Moist. At my most bad-ass I make people feel like they need to take a shower…
I found out why I think Moist is hilarious…he is a direct import from the Tick universe. Ben Edlund, creator of “The Tick” and producer on Firefly and Angel could not participate on Dr. Horrible. However he begged Joss to create a character called, “Moist.” The full article is here, and here is an exceprt:

Arlington, Va.: Does The Tick live near Dr. Horrible? Moist totally gives it away.

Joss Whedon: The Tick lives IN Dr. Horrible. Ben Edlund was going to do the piece with us but had to drop out. “Bad Horse” was a character he’d pitched incessantly on “Angel” (“How could he make a radioactive device using only HOOVES?!?!?!?”) so I wanted that in, and the first thing Ben pitched for this was Moist. But he had to bail right at the beginning. Much sadness, as he’s also a great songwriter. (And has an amazing singing voice. On the serious. Get him to do an album.)

Nonchalantly…“Life of crime. Got your mail.” IMO, every villian needs an evil moisture buddy.

“do you need anything dampened, or…made soggy…?”

Dr. H: Conflict Diamond told me you were doubling with Bait and Switch.

Moist: Yeah…

Dr. H: Yeah?

Moist: It was alright. I kinda thought I was supposed to end up with Bait, but…

Kills me every time! Moist’s lines are gems.

Yeah. That was a killer! I laugh every time with that one.

Here’s my new song based on the “brand new day” song from act2:

I have probably watched Dr. Horrible about 15-20 times since it came out and I’ve gotten a few people hooked on it. I’m trying very hard actually, to not watch it right now.

or her teachers…

I’m always sweating and my friends and I all think I should be Moist for Holloween this year

Props on the song, but you’re making it really hard for me to not go back and watch the whole Horrible series again!

don’t we all? :wink:

find the original here

Actually, no.

The hammer is his… well, nevermind…

A lot of us would. :smiley:

What is this hammer you speak of?!

I’m SOOO getting him to sign this. Maybe I’ll get a picture of his tattoo. :smiley:

according to this, soundtrack will be available on iTunes next week

LOL! Lady D- you beat me to it! Yes!

Can’t wait till Sept. 2nd!!!

You know I’ll be rockin’ the bus with it!

Had a little shindig at our house tonight- the hub had to try out Sam the Cooking Guy’s rib recipe. SUCCESS!!

Screened a few fun moosic vids, Blue Harvest and Dr. H. on our improvised outdoor theater- I think we got some Dr. H. converts!

It was hot as heck, though. Ugh. Muggy! eccch.

Technically I don’t really need to buy that soundtrack, because the songs play on a constant loop inside my head anyway (…It’s not a deathray or an icebeam that’s so Johnny Snow, I just want all the world to know…).
But to support Joss Whedon, I will buy it.