Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

That is what I get to work with when school starts. :stuck_out_tongue:

You will never get rid of all of the teachers. One of the great three will always represent.

OMG I just got home, I turned on the radio… and it’s Neil Patrick Harris singing. !!

“With my freeze ray I will stop. the world.” LOL

Woohoo Fresh Air!

Wow, what kind of radio station do you listen to? :cool:

how can you tell that’s Felicia? (other than reading her name in the credits)

Actually, that’s how. (Her tweet that alerted me to the project didn’t even mention her involvement.)

Mal vs. Corporate Tool

from here

I love this one. :smiley:

My local NPR affiliate, of course!

The audio segment is now available online here, go enjoy it. :smiley:

And revel in how awesome NPR is. :cool:

The Digital Culture segment (which my affiliate doesn’t carry) is more interesting.

Thank you. One of my dogs woke me up at 3:30 so I went on my computer and took a listen. When do we get a new part???


Thanks for the Dr. H Early Years clip. I thought is was more than mildly entertaining.

I go back to work (school as a para-educator) next week, so I guess we’ll both see a serious cutback on GWC time:(

LadyD posted the clip. She is more creative than me about finding cool stuff. I could just get up before 5 am to get my GWC time or do it after work. Oh, I am a teacher we do not get off time during the school year. :wink:

creative? no. it’s called

I stand corrected.

OK, LadyD knows all the cool places to get great stuff.

Cruising around this AM, I found this.

gotta love it!

(that whedonesque is the best!)

Well, I finally watched Dr. Horribles Sing Along Blog. Totally great, totally cool, totally awesome. Doogie Houser as an overley senstive love struck Mad Scientist, Capt Malcom Reynolds as a Gaston-like (Beauty and the Beast reference) hero, and the lovable do-gooder chick? How can I NOT love it. And it’s a musical to boot.

So what’s the deal? Is the story going to continue? I WANT MORE!!!

here’s another installment of The Early Years. this one’s actually pretty funny


That one was better.

I wonder if anyone from Dr. H. has seen them and what they think.

They have. They like him.