Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

OK, I literally LOLed. Nicely done.

we are accustomed to the frequency, but they tend to be much smaller, in the 2.0–3.5 range or so. anything bigger than that is quite unsettling. also, proximity is a factor. I’m less than 10 miles from the epicenter. then, as I mentioned in another thread, there’s the duration. I can’t be really objective about that since time seems to slow down (for me) during an earthquake, all the while I’m thinking, okay I can ride this out (I was focusing on the wall unit with the tv & stereo–for several seconds I thot it was going to fall over), but will it get worse than this?

then of course there’s the lovely thot that MageKnight has been talking about elsewhere–is this the main shock, or is it a foreshock?

The whole concept of the ground itself moving underfoot completely freaks me out, and I can’t imagine living somewhere that’s prone to it.

like I said, most of the time, it’s no big deal. it’s been almost 15 years since I’ve felt a quake as strong as this one

Put a dash for a nose in the middle and it won’t register as an ‘image’ :wink:

Pike, you are the problem solving Master. Thanks man. You really are Obi Wan, aren’t you? (And that’s a good thing.)

Well, it was before the prequels…

George Lucas, leave my childhood alooooone!

I’ll say one thing about the prequels—: Although there’s a lot I will criticize and complain about them, the one shinning positive thing for me: Liam Neeson’s Qui Gon —the performance, the look, his lines, his scenes----all those worked for me.

Dunno about the slow down. A combination of real life and getting back into a BSG mood. Plus I’ve been neglecting other boards I post at in favor of GWC. Also add the fact that if you miss a day of posting on here there are too many posts to read. :stuck_out_tongue:

you say that now but wait till i have to go back to work in a few weeks…you will miss me :slight_smile:

I think earthquakes are super cool. That said, my experience with quakes is mostly in another part of the Pacific coast, but still. There are quakes all the time, but they’re small so a lot of the time you’ll see there was one but you don’t feel it. I actually get really excited when you can actually feel it.

That said: it’s good everyone’s OK. Again, 5.8 (right?) isn’t incredibly strong, but it’s still more than the little ones we don’t usually feel.

And it doesn’t freak me out, because it’s something that reminds us how awesome (as in, causing awe) the Earth is.

An earthquake is a big thing, period. I remember that artificially-induced 4.6 richter one that happened in northeast Ohio. You do not want a visit to the bathroom spoiled by such an event as it is rather quite scary.

The big question is if the 5.8 richter temblor was only a foreshock or not. If it was a foreshock, something worse could be coming. If it was the main event, then things are probably okay for now.

Since there are so many teachers on this board many of us will have less time in a few weeks. :frowning:

Grrrrr…Act 1 of Dr. Horrible refusings to sync onto my iPod. Guess I gotta delete a couple things and make room…
Yes, even with a 30 GB iPod it is pretty much filled to the brim.

Woah there killer, wait a tic. Before you go deleting things note that you can selectively sync specific things to your ipod. Easiest way of doing so is through selecting playlists for music. When your ipod is plugged in a new tab comes up in iTunes which gives you a bunch of options. Let me know if you have any questions.

…in fact, I think I need to start an Ipod thread over in Geek hobbies…:smiley:

Yeah, I know about the selective sync thing. I just never keep anything (music, videos, podcasts) on my PC–because I’m so pressed for space on it.
So when I sync all I’m pretty much just synching new podcasts or stuff I’ve specifically added to iTunes with the intention of putting 'em on my iPod.

An iPod thread is a great idea. I’m sure there’s a lot of tricks I could learn.

I am confused. My Mac does all the work for me. :smiley:

Macs and iPod get along like Han and Chewie. They are the best of friends.
iPods and PCs…they grudgingly work together because they have to…
Somehow help me out and give me a good Star Wars analogy for that.

I’m probably be unfair, truth be told. The problem is I have and old and slow PC, and it gets pretty onerey when a big software program like iTunes is running.

the emperor and the labor unions? :smiley:

someone with a borderline obnoxiously precocious kid has put up a couple of episodes of “Dr Horrible: The Early Years.” it’s mildly entertaining

here’s episode 1



You mean the part about the Faustian contract?


As did I.

Maybe it’s just a really delayed aftershock from the last one you felt.

That would work. Or you could delete the smilies in quoted text.

Help me, Pike! You’re my only hope! :stuck_out_tongue:

um… do you need some time alone…? :rolleyes:

All the more reason for massive multi-quotes.

The ground is not supposed to move. Everything else can move and change, but the ground beneath my feet should remain just the way it is throughout my entire lifetime. I hold this truth to be self-evident.


I can’t wait until all the teachers are gone. Finally we’ll be free of their grammatical tyranny!

Us be fRee finnal-like hwen them go! :wink:

Isn’t that how the Cylons started out? :eek:

Jabba and Leia?

One distraction and that white USB cord will be wrapped around the hard drive…

NPH is going to be on NPR’s Fresh Air today. If you miss it, it’ll show up on the podcast soon.

Also, Felicia has a fleeting appearance in her Guild co-star’s new project, The Legend of Neil.