Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

my wish is your command–or, well you know


and in case anyone missed it and doesn’t want/isn’t able to pay, Whedonesque reports it’s on hulu

Also on myspace tv. I’d link, but I’m on my iPhone right now.

Why does Pike not like huge multiquotes? was the entire blog up. You can watch each Act or the entire show as one episode. Dr.Horrible


Moderation in all things.

Seconded. I admire anyone who is willing to flag twenty posts, edit them and respond to them individually. I personally find them very hard to read and more importantly find them nearly impossible to respond to unless I chop out 90% of the content.

What does moderation mean exactly? How is it more difficult to moderate a multiquote post than a “regular” post?

Personally, I love the concise nature of multiquote posts as RMHPH excels in them and hey, sometimes, there’s no other way of keeping up with all the stuff that’s going on here, like when I wake up in the morning and have to make my way through a ton of new material in a dozen threads, multiquoting is the easiest way of responding to all the posts I’d want to respond to.

Moderation as in moderate quantities, not ‘to moderate.’ The quote is a reference to Aristotle.

Personally, I love the concise nature of multiquote posts as RMHPH excels in them and hey, sometimes, there’s no other way of keeping up with all the stuff that’s going on here, like when I wake up in the morning and have to make my way through a ton of new material in a dozen threads, multiquoting is the easiest way of responding to all the posts I’d want to respond to.

Oh, I understand why it’s done. My eyes just glaze over about halfway in.

This is a lost in translation moment. As opposed to a person who moderates the forum (watches over, administers) Pike was making a joke regarding the volume of posts in a multiquote (less quotes would be exercising moderation)

Again, it isn’t that I don’t like them. I admire the time it must take to do and when I read them closely I am impressed at the wit. I personally find them hard to read and quite honestly find myself skimming them completely. Neither good nor bad, just is.

I agree. Poofy’s posts are sometimes very hard to follow.

okay, coming back to the computer now–5.8 earthquake hit a few miles from me. still shaking (me, not the ground)

Thirded. I find long multi-quoted posts distract me from my main purpose in life, which is to invent new ways to make fun of The Beav.

(Also, Poofy and I are currently in a contest to NOT be the first to reach 2000 posts…and his multi-quote power gives him kinda an edge).

LOL good thing my posting habits have slowed down the last two weeks. Otherwise I might have beaten you both to 2,000. :stuck_out_tongue:

wow lady d! we must live really close to each other!! i felt that one too! :slight_smile: glad you are okay!! :slight_smile:

there seem to be a lot of us socals. glad you’re okay too–you are, aren’t you?:smiley:

(just saw groupie #3 on a Mike’s Hard Lemonade commercial–that lisp is a dead giveaway)

I was suffering major deja vu about all the multiquotes right up to your earth quake…glad to be back in reality but not about quake!

I was woken by a quake in UK earlier this year - very rare and very small! Think it was the biggest however since 1984 (IFYWIM).

I didn’t even realize that before I saw the video. I do remember him as Doogie, of course, but Clara’s Heart is a bit fuzzy in my memory.

…particularly moderation. :smiley:

Or more.

edit them and respond to them individually. I personally find them very hard to read

Really? It just seems fairly straightforward to me: quote a post, respond to it, repeat.

and more importantly find them nearly impossible to respond to unless I chop out 90% of the content.

What’s wrong with that? Just keep the parts relevant to the response.


Personally, I love the concise nature of multiquote posts as RMHPH excels in them

Thanks. Maybe it only makes sense to us Jersey boys. :rolleyes:

and hey, sometimes, there’s no other way of keeping up with all the stuff that’s going on here, like when I wake up in the morning and have to make my way through a ton of new material in a dozen threads, multiquoting is the easiest way of responding to all the posts I’d want to respond to.

All of which is why I first started doing them. Now it’s just sort of a habit.

Plus there’s the matter of that little Faustian contract with TFG. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, what Pike said.

Oh, I understand why it’s done. My eyes just glaze over about halfway in.

Why is why I always hold the really foul gutter stuff until the second half, IYKWIM.

Think Goldilocks and the Three Bears: “just right”.

Again, it isn’t that I don’t like them. I admire the time it must take to do and when I read them closely I am impressed at the wit.


I personally find them hard to read and quite honestly find myself skimming them completely. Neither good nor bad, just is.

I always assumed that was the case. Otherwise, how could you not respond to the brilliance contained therein? :wink:

I honestly have to say that surprises me. I always thought my posts made some logical sense, even if they’re insanely long.

Like this one…

okay, coming back to the computer now–5.8 earthquake hit a few miles from me. still shaking (me, not the ground)

I have to be honest here: I was a bit surprised to hear that this was considered to be a fairly major quake. In my mind, the West Coast is always rumbling away, and everyone is just accustomed to it. The whole concept of the ground itself moving underfoot completely freaks me out, and I can’t imagine living somewhere that’s prone to it.

That said, I’m glad that that everyone’s OK.

Maybe that’s why he likes them…

(Also, Poofy and I are currently in a contest to NOT be the first to reach 2000 posts…and his multi-quote power gives him kinda an edge).

Which is more than offset by your apparent lack of spare time.

Yeah, what’s with the slowdown? You were absolutely on fire for a while there…

Totally. I agree.

What? Can you repeat the middle part again?

See! I wanted to put a smiley face after that to show that I was being ironical, but nooooo, I couldn’t cuz it was over the “number of images per post” limit.
Curse you, you Multi-quoting demon!!!:wink: