Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Just read an interesting fun fact: Dr. Horrible’s lab coat? Leftover prop from Firefly’s Ariel episode. :smiley:

Both of these are faves, but perhaps at the very top of the list is

Dr. H: I want to be an achiever! Like Bad Horse…

Penny: The Thoroughbred of Sin?!

Dr. H: I meant… Ghandi.

Who didn’t laugh when the sweet young fans leaned into the frame and sang, “We do the weird stuff!”

I was mildly surprised at Joss making fun of the fans…not that they aren’t a deserving target, it goes against much of his philosophy of, “This is for the fans…the fans make this happen.”

Truth be told, if I were to happen across Nathan’s dry cleaning bill I would probably frame it…just sayin’

Yeah, but that doesn’t mean they’re (or ‘we’re’) off limits. The T-Shirt switch at the end was another nice touch.

I don’t know that they represent fandom as much as the “sheep” mentality

I have gottenw eird looks whenever I sing “all the angels sing cause your gonna die” and “go up, get out and fly, espehclaly that guy that smells like poo” oh and of course the one that I am singing right now “any dolt iwth half a brain can see that human kind has gone insane”

Which one is bigger built? Sean Maher or Neil Patrick Harris?

Rather than being about “fans” I would say it was more about our continuing amazing abilities as a society to worship fake and hollow heroes just because they are famous (be it Captain Hammer or Paris Hilton)

well put, mon ami

(not trying to be obnoxious with the mon ami thing, just did it to meet min post length :D)

sean maher is a bit thicker but not by much!! :slight_smile:

Agreed indeed.

Well spoke my friend, well spoke.

that was what i posted five days ago but then today i was thinking maybe that was too obvious and like penny tried to see the good in everybody’s heart, maybe there was good in hammer, but the concensus (sp?) seems to be NO!! lol he’s a total dick with no redeeming qualities and no room for growth :slight_smile:

It is interesting that it was totally accidental that the death ray blew up. I know my Dad has had electrical shocks before that blew him across his workspace. With Captain Hammer on the therapist’s couch, I would hazard a guess that whole part showed how cataclysmic that earth-shattering kaboom was to Captain Hammer’s worldview.

The whole thing is a NICE psychological study.

Accidental, but it was Hammer’s punching Horrible that broke the gun and his ignoring Horrible’s warning that resulted in the explosion.

I hadn’t really caught the warning that Dr. H tried to give, but yesterday on Washington Post’s chatwith NPH, he mentioned it. Makes the scene even better.

i also was wondering if the gun really WAS a death ray cause he just covered up STUN ray with a tape that said DEATH :slight_smile: i just thought when the gun got knocked out of billy’s hand, something got broke when it hit the ground…and all billy had time to say was “don’t~” before hammer cut him off with “i don’t have time for your warnings…give my regards to st peter ~ or whoever has his job…but…in hell…” typical cool hero line before killing the bad guy which in this instance makes the “hero” sound callous and cold but if someone like harrison ford says it, we would applaud :slight_smile: it would be interesting to see this from captain hammer POV…he didn’t MEAN to kill penny, but then when he pushed penny into the garbage and billy says “you almost killed her” and hammer says “i remember it differently” maybe he would really believe it was all horrible’s fault and that he had no hand in it…i would really love to watch this with joss’s commentary :slight_smile:

Well, I think he’d see it as Dr. H’s fault for making the damn thing, daring to try to use it on him, Capt. Hammer, and for making it poorly.

Also, I doubt that Captain Hammer noticed that Penny died for weeks and weeks afterward. He is so self absorbed and was so traumatized that I think he really saw the tragedy 100% in terms of his bruise.

Hmm. Interesting take. However, I don’t think he’d have hesitated if he knew it was just a stun ray.