Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

By the way, just so you all can suffer as The GF does:

“It’s a brand new day, I feel no remorse,
the water’s rising, but I know the course,
going to show the world, gonna show Bad Horse!”

and have you made it available (BOM) to those less technologically gifted than yourself?

I get strange looks singing “A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do” in public quite a bit

Been done. You can get it in a variety of formats at this point.

Although, I haven’t seen an audio rip yet. Probably everyone that wanted one did it themselves.

right. care to suggest an application?

Pee Eem is your friend.

(And no, that’s not some weird Emily slur, GR.)

All I can say is that I got to use my iPod to put Dr. Horrible up on the TV to watch. Wow. There should have been somewhere on TV this should have aired. It was most excellent.

I wound up identifying terrifyingly too much with Dr. Horrible, alas…

This seems like the perfect group to ask this question:

What is your favorite song and favorite lyric? You may include runner-up if you like. I know, it is like picking a favorite child. After my first viewing there was a clear winner:

“I cannot believe my eyes”, beginning of Act II. This is the perfect duet in my mind. The interplay and juxtaposition of the words are just brilliant. I mean, any song with the line:

Any dolt with half a brain
Can see that humankind has gone insane
To the point that I don’t if I’ll upset the status quo if I throw poison in the water main

Imagine my surprise when I read that Jed Whedon’s favorite song was “Everyone’s a Hero in their Own Way”, Nathan’s Act III song. I remember thinking it was funny, but kind of unremarkable. I had my (first) re-watch last night and paid special attention to the song…

…OMG…it took all my self restraint to not burst into laughter on the train. This song is the definition of perverse…it makes you think it is one thing when it is absolutely something else. There are some nuanced lines that you need to pay close attention to to realize he is absolutely looking down on everyone and other lines that hit you over the head with the fact.

Brilliant. This is my runner up…and may one day overtake my number one.

I recommend Goldwave. It is probably more program than you will ever need in terms of audio editing, but it is really good. Once you get the hang of it it is pretty intuitive. I use it regularly to trim mp3s and do some audio capture. A good example of the usefulness of audiocapture is when I hear a great song on Youtube but don’t care about the video. Dr. Horrible is another good example. You will have to download an mp3 codex which they explain how to do.

Once you are setup you will simply click record in Goldwave and hit play. Voila.

I think I am missing a joke here, as I googled and searched on for “Pee Eem” and didn’t find anything.

On a Mac? I used “iRecordMusic” while the eps. were up. The free version is limited to 15 minutes at a time, so I missed part of the outro on Act 3.

“Audio Hijack” is good, but limited to ten minutes (unless you buy the full version.)

“Brand New Day,” no contest. I have a strange desire to hear U2 cover it.

(And Pee Eem=PM, not an app.)

i think you make a very good argument and i totally respect your point of view…i’m still not comfortable with the word feminist though though not a fan of humanist either…not really sure what to call myself :slight_smile: the only thing i would ask you is if you have ever seen the film with sean asten based (loosely) on kurt vonnegat’s harrison bergeron? i just think everyone should be allowed to reach their highest potential…potentialist?? hee hee

one of my very favorite books is a scientific exploration of the nature of evil and the reasons evil exist and thinking in terms of gender and species…men go to war because nature considers them expendable…and not saying that a females only value is in making babies but it made me feel kind of sorry for men!! :slight_smile: there are many strong female leaders in history and i made sure my daughter knew about them because it’s not like they taught me about them in school…the most successful pirate was a female…LOVED hearing that! she had the british begging her to stop and she agreed but with conditions that she be allowed to keep everything she had stolen & that she and her crew would never be prosecuted…and as far as power goes, until women stop feeding into the sexual double standard, i don’t think it will ever be distributed evenly…what i mean is that respect for a woman should not be determined by her sexual conduct, but by her achievements…does that make sense?? & those silly power games are millions of years of biological programming that won’t be easy to overcome…i guess what i’m striving for or hoping for is a world where those kinds of words are not necessary to define people…agh what do i know…that’s one of the perks of being crazy is that i don’t always have to know what i’m talking about!! but i definatley liked what you said!!

on a MUCH lighter note ~ yes my fireman is very hot! hee hee!! and he puts out!! :slight_smile:

AND thanks to all of you for loving this as much as i do!! i can’t stop listening to it and when he left for work this morning, he was singing “a maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan’s gotta do what a maaaaan’s gotta doooo!!” he will be assimilated!! resistance is futile!! :slight_smile:

Correction, they’re now available.

thanks for the advice, boys. and in case you missed it on the “I<3 Solai” thread (I know, Pike, you read all the posts;)), this is for the two of you

definately “cannot believe my eyes” because of the parrallel and opposing views expressed and harmonized cause a lot of times i DO have those dichotemies at war in my brain…

runner up is “everyones a hero in their own way”…my favorite line is “don’t worry if it’s hard, if you’re not a friggin tard you will prevail” and “so i thank my girlfriend penny, yeh we totally had sex…she showed me there’s so many different muscles i can flex…there’s the deltoids of compassion, the abs of being kind” ROFL!! and “in their own not~that~heroic way!!” and for all the reasons solai mentioned :slight_smile:

“they say” is awesome because capn hammer is soooo freakin shallow, i have to laugh and it makes me kind of sad seeing penny in the laundromat talking to herself with two frozen yogurts knowing she brought it for billy and missed him…

and then the last song…everytime nph sings “dr horrible is here…to make you quake with fear to make the whole world kneel and i won’t feel…a thing” gets me everytime!!

and of course “man’s gotta do” cause hey!! best intro EVER!!! :slight_smile: and if you guys knew me in person?? the line “there’s ass needs kicking!!” is sooo apropo (SP?) i’m scrappy like that!! :slight_smile: and when he’s crunching dr horribles head against the van in time with the music and every line by NPH especially “wwhhaaateEEVVver!” lol

so glad you asked this question!! :slight_smile:

and i never thought of NPH as attractive until i saw this and now i’m totally crushing only to find i got no chance :frowning: sure he’s not bi?? :slight_smile:

I don’t have a favorite song, I enjoyed all of them but none of them really stayed with me.

Lines, however. Oh, the lines.

Who doesn’t love the hammer penis line?

And I’m also a fan of Dr. Horrible: “See you at the aftermath! Peace! But not literally.”

okay so now i’m thinking that maybe this was also the origin of captain hammer as a GENUINE hero…has anyone made out what he is saying to his headshrinker??

bruce wayne cultivated an image of billionaire playboy to hide his alter ego…“four sweater vests” made me think hammer’s alter ego is a dork…or is he captain hammer all the time and if so why would he need four sweater vests?? i was also taking into consideration penny’s sleeping with him…hammer told billy that once penny saw the ham cycle and the hamjet she would be his…now, BEING a girl similar to penny, i can safely assume that those kinds of things would be absolutely meaningless to her…those things would not impress her at all and probably have the opposite effect on her…some girls are materialistic like that which is why hammer has never slept with the same girl twice…he’s never met a girl like penny ~ someone who cares more about others than herself…like even when she’s dying she asks billy if HE"S okay…and STILL has faith that captain hammer will save them…i think maybe she saw something in captain hammer and maybe after feeling pain for the first time and then realizing also what he’d done (ie killing the woman he loved ~ granted sleeping with the same girl twice does not constitute a long term relationship but in his limited experience it does…had penny lived maybe she would have shown him how to be a real hero but maybe she did that in dying?? her death pushed billy over the edge to become dr horrible ~ he chose the path of harm (like vader) ~ maybe hammer went the other way and tried to start doing good for the sake of doing good rather than for the applause…the line about “i GET what you want” is absolutely a condemnation of superficial values…and tormenting billy? well hammer was pushing buttons…they are rivals afterall…hammer didn’t HAVE to help penny with the shelter…he probably felt pretty good about it and sort of evolved cause even though he looks down on the people he’s helping? he IS helping…i think he really is trying…if he is a person of wealth and privelege, he may not have been exposed to that kind of poverty before…pushing the pigeons away in the park, wiping his shirt after the guy comes up to thank him, these things make him uncomfortable cause he’s probably been spoiled and lived in a sterile environment his whole life…(or maybe he’s just OCD like me lol!!) but he threw away the cue cards and was speaking from his heart…and trying to get a message out that penny was a hero, everyone can make a difference…not as much of a difference as him with his superpowers lol…i’ve read the stuff about him being a bully and being a hero gives him license to beat up on dorks and freaks, but penny is such a good hearted person i don’t think she would fall for a guy like that…she saw the good in billy too, and billy could have gone either way…so i’m wondering if this is just all about choices?? i mean hammer did spend time with her learning about her world and said she was “not his usual but it was nice”…of course it’s nice to be with someone who isn’t shallow and materialistic and narcissistic??? we can imagine the kinds of girls he has dated…just another line of thought i was exploring in my shower!! :slight_smile: whad ya’ll think? i just LOVE that i’m still thinking about this little made for internet event!!

the ones I can’t stop singing: on the rise, a man’s gotta do, brand new day

currently, these lines get the biggest giggles out of me:

“four sweater vests!”

“what heist were you watching?”

“make the bad horse gleeful, or he’ll make you his mare” :eek:

“so get up and fly, especially that guy–he smells like poo”

It’s his delivery that just makes that line perfect. I am also becoming a big fan of the pie line…it is just so ridiculous and another example of something I missed the first time around.
Penny: They’re something totally different underneath than what’s on the surface.
Billy: And sometimes there’s a third, even deeper, level, and that one is the same as the top surface one.
Penny: Huh?
Billy: Like with pie.

Just cracks me up everytime.

YEH!! what you said!!