Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

I have to say I was not expecting that ending. I’m kind of :frowning:

Well, that’s for damn sure.

Completely with you. Penny wasn’t very well developed (which is what the feminist critique seems to be based in) but she wasn’t a 2-D cutout either. She was the one genuinely good person in the series.

paris hilton would be high maintenance i think…leia is no paris hilton!!

Also agreeing with you here. Leia is difficult, but that’s different from high-maintenance.

I wonder if that’s what hubby means when he calls me “special”? :slight_smile:

I don’t find Joss’ feminism to be problematic, even though I know that’s just not how it is now. The thing is, no one is responsible for being a “perfect” feminist- we who identify as feminists (and many who avoid the word, too) have a set of values that we invest in and which we try our best to implement in our day-to-day lives. For me that means talking about feminism and/or feminist issues and/or feminist takes on universal issues; it means insisting on gender parity in my own relationships; it means being flexible and trying to look at lots of different points of view. If for Joss Whedon it means creating many strong female characters who can be feminist role models, and doing that in a way that they get presented in a very “show not tell” way to the wider public, then good for him. He’ll probably make more of a difference in terms of how women are treated within the dominant culture than I ever will.

Another thing: I have no feminist critique of Dr. Horrible. Not every female you write has to be strong, vocal badasses. Penny was 2-D, sure, and overly idealistic, but she also was not dependent on anyone and she was invested in improving her community. There are crappy, evil, imperfect, incredibly hot, incredibly smart, and all sorts of other major traits for women. There was also a good point about not really knowing a woman you claim to love that wasn’t as well articulated as it might have been. Joss talked about it in his Washington Post chatyesterday.

The only fully-formed character was Billy/Dr. H. This was 45m short and meant as a story about his development from “longing to be evil but really having a good heart” to having an empty and sealed off heart which allowed him to indulge in real evil (implied). Penny was the only genuinely good person in the show, but that’s because she stood for good and innocent but tragically ineffectual; Captain Hammer stood for toolishness and narcissism wrapped up, presented, and consumed as heroic in and of itself. Dr. H was the only real person.

nicely articulated, Starbuc–and thanks for the link :slight_smile:

Nice link, Starbuccaneer. Thanks.

i don’t like the word feminist because from my understanding, it means that women are claiming to be superior to men…i don’t think either sex is superior i don’t think any race is superior…i believe in true equality and by that i DON"T mean that we are all the same…absolutely not…just deserving of equal EARNED respect NOT “respect me BECAUSE i’m a woman” or “respect me BECAUSE i’m black” or respect me BECAUSE i’m handicapable"…that’s crap and it should be RESPECT ME BECAUSE I"M A HUMAN BEING INHABITING THIS PLANET WITH YOU…" if we were all good at everything then what fun would that be?? in the immortal words of ferris bueller in the immortal words of john lennon "i don’t beleive in “isms” i just believe in me :slight_smile: lol

my fireman is finally home and got to see this with me…i could tell he liked it but mostly cause of how happy it makes me watching it :slight_smile: he teases me so badly…but i know in a few days he’ll be quoting it too :smiley:

Am I the only person who hates and loves the way Joss Wheaden can make me cry of laugher, and leave me really really depressed and pissed off…in the same five minutes?

Seeing the load that broke his servers, repeatedly, I can safely say, that no, it’s not just you. :wink:

no sweet emily from ohio!! that’s the WHY we are fans of joss whedon…

the deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain for what is your joy but your sorrow unmasked…they are two sides of the same coin (that’s khalil gibron but i think it fits) i get chills everytime i hear nph sing “and i woooon’t feeeeeeeeeeeeeel…a thing” sooo good so good…he makes you feel…and it feels “real”

my question is am i the only one that has watched this at LEAST ten times a day (prolly more!!) I"M OBSESSED!!! i can’t get enough of it!

i need help again :frowning: trying to find that explanation of R2 and chewie being super secret agents for the rebellion and han and 3po being front men :frowning:

Here you go

again YOU ARE the wind beneath my (x) wings!!! :slight_smile:

I don’t actually know any feminists nowadays who think women are superior to men. The term works for me because it connotes assertion of the female rather than superiority of the female.

I once had a male professor in a gender-oriented politics class who had the exact same opinion about the word and in talking about that with him I said, “Look, if we’re acknowledging that in our society men have certain advantages over women and are seen as more valuable in many ways, and if we are saying that men and women are of equal worth and should be treated accordingly, then we need to recognize that one goal of feminism or whatever we call it has to be lessening men’s power. Power is a zero-sum commodity- if my influence rises, yours will fall due to deflation, just like in currency markets. So if women’s influence ought to rise, men’s must fall a little to match it. But that doesn’t mean (shouldn’t mean) subjugation, discrimination, or persecution of men. Just working towards equality. It’s not always going to be comfortable but we have a moral obligation to do it.” I won and he started saying feminist along with (ugh) humanist.

Also, HOORAY for your firefighter being back safe with you! Have some fun, IYKWIM. Your very own firefighter is a hot commodity to have.

No. That’s exactly why I lovehate him, too!

Starbuccaneer, I heart you! And I’m also with you on the ugh humanist usage… seriously…

I encounter similar things when people try to convince me that “feminismo” is just like “machismo” but with roles reversed. It drives me crazy, because it’s nothing of the sort, and no one has argued that it is.

To add an anecdote: I’ve met feminists of all genders, races, ages, orientations, etc, and not a single one has ever advocated for the superiority of one group over another. Not a single one.

I do know some who advocate women subjugating men.

But I’m not really sure it’s “feminism” per se. IYKWIM. :slight_smile:

Not feminism per se… but I can think of a few ways that it could be fun.

Everytime i wake up in th emorning, on the bus, before I go to bed, I wacth this. It’s been that way for the last week.

I’ve been running the soundtrack on continuous loop for about 3 days

I’ve ripped the entire thing to audio. It’s my current go-to moment on my iPhone. I’m falling behind on my podcasts…