Prisonbreak suppose to be like that too. I think between all the Whedon Podcasts, websites, etc etc This Show already has a steady fanbase. It should be safe from fox.
they usually do that with season premieres of 24 (coincidentally, also on Fox)
Amen to that! We’ve had too many seasons without Joss. He’s one of the few guys that can get me to watch his show before knowing who is in it or what the plot is.
That said, Dollhouse does sound great.
joss has a new post on the subject. I’m trying to keep my optimism. this song sounds awfully familiar
Thanks Lady D, I can’t wait for this show
It appears Dollhouse might be doomed before it even debuts. It’s going to be on Fridays, which is essentially Fox’s way of saying, eh, we’ll burn the episodes here, and never speak of the show again. So, yeah. I wouldn’t get too attached to it. Sigh.
I have yet to watch Terminator, but I know some of you are huge fans here, so anyway, yeah, Terminator will also be on Fridays when it comes back on next year alongside Dollhourse (I think).
Yes, I saw that they moved Sarah Conner Chronicles to the Fox broadcast death zone. At least Fridays can truly be SciFi night now with Sarah, then Stargate:Atlantis, and then that other show that for the life of me I can’t remember the name of now. I hate it when that happens!
Edit: Sanctuary. I knew that as soon as I posted my reply it would pop into my head!
Ugh. That article leaves me with a big fat lump in my tummy. I’m watching Dollhouse no matter what, but b/c of my love for all things Joss. I’m still optimistic, but too much of this early “Save Dollhouse” crap can make it a self-fulfilling prophesy.
That first one is beyond the pale. Those network execs don’t so much need a crystal ball to see the future as a smack upside the head to remember the past.
So am I understanding this right, that Fridays in February are going to be (Central Time, and on different channels, but still):
7pm: T:SCC
8pm: Dollhouse
9pm: BSG
That’s a pretty awesome lineup, you have to admit. There goes my social life on Fridays.
Trouble signs huh, Fox is why I’m hoping for the best, I’m sure the show will be spectacular but I will not get attached to the idea of having it around for awhile.
But here’s the thing maybe it doesn’t have to be. maybe the British model of tv shows could work here so long as The creators know this upfront spend 10 to 15 episodes tell a great story, beginning to end.
than again maybe i’m just rationalizing here. because of you know We had firefly, pushing daisies, miracles, and my beloved wonderfalls.
See, this is not good for me. I don’t have Tivo (heck, now I don’t even have a job), so it means not going out with friends on the most social night of the week. Cause, hi, I’ll be home at 7 to order dinner and on the couch by 8. And then I’ll be on the forum until 1 a.m. So there goes the social life for real.
io9 yesterday posted some signs of hope in the Morning Spoilers section. I am still very optimistic, despite the rumors. Perhaps Joss is pulling a President Bush in the 2004 election and trying to tamp down expectations so we all cheer for him even if his script could have been better written by some rhesus monkeys.
My social night has already been pushed to Tuesday night, because that’s the Cheap seats night at the local theater.
So I’m glad you’ll be joining us on Friday nights.