Joss Whedon is back on TV with "Dollhouse"

First trailer for the new Joss Whedon show starring Elisa ‘Faith’ Dushku and Tamoh ‘Helo’ Penikett starting in January 2009:



It was already posted in your other Dollhouse thread. It looks good, I’m looking forard to it.

I actually just updated it with the new trailer which looks even better! Dollhouse, 24, Fringe, Sarah Connor, Prison Break and maybe ‘Virtuality’ the new Ron D. Moore show, I’d hate to say that Fox has the best lineup but… Fox might have the best line up…

A couple of new scenes in that trailer. It should be good. Although the other trailer had a Foo Fighers tune in it, which was pretty cool.

Fox does have a lot of good shows. I’m not American, so obviously I don’t get to watch Fox, but I generally know what networks my favourite shows are on in the US. I would also add House and Bones to your list. I think the general hatred of Fox stems from Firefly (There are other factors, Futurama for one). The cancelling of Firefly is pretty much unforgivable, so let the hatred continue.

don’t worry, they’ll frak it up.

Its seems good and all but we have to wait for awhile seeing as how its fox so i’ll hold off on my fantatic ferver for a few more months. that being said i’m signed on to a Dollhouse forum with a cool new avatar and everything

Dear Fox i forgive you for Firefly you were stupid but i forgive you, but not for wonderfalls

I just want to see Faith…err…Echo get in a fight with Buffy…err…Sarah Michelle Gellar on this show.

Ah, those were the days!

Then there was the time they danced together sigh…:o

yeah I know… you don’t have to say it.

Oh that’s right fox takes it down…how dare people try to promote fox’s show and give fox money. Shame on you free promotion! Shame on you! Sorry, it just pisses me off when channels take down things that can…fraking HELP THEM MAKE MONEY.

I want another Joss show, but I could have used a different lead actor.

Faith’s portrayal in the Buffy shows ran the acting gamut from A to B. I expect more if she’s going to be the lead actor.

The campaign has already begun to save the show from cancellation

That’s brilliant! :smiley:

And since it’s FOX, probably necessary…

New snippet of the show…with our very own Helo.


Add to this Joss’s stipulation that
“…On top of this, each episode will be longer than a usual TV episode is, as FOX are airing Dollhouse without many adverts. Yes, you read that right. As a result each episode will clock in at a minimum of 50 minutes instead of the usual 42…”

Joss may have just saved TV from itself.

Therefore, It’s probably, Sadly doomed to fail.

Some random guy (Joss Whedon) interviews Joss Whedon about Dollhouse. Fun ensues.

“About Dollhouse? Only that it’s going to be a funhouse ride of excitement, fear, existential angst and co-ed showers. That I love it. Love the writers, love the cast, and already blissfully live in the strange, compelling world of the removable self. Hmm.When I pitched it to Eliza, she said “My God, it’s my life!” But after that sentence, I think maybe it’s mine.”

and again, Thanks Yorick!! (I seem to say that a lot, don’t I?)

I’m there!

I’m only keeping good thoughts about Fox and Dollhouse (ala The Secret) b/c we really need more Joss on TV right now (read:January).

I was on YouTube listening to some of the Comic Con stuff. I like how Joss said that the eppisodes that do not get out on TV can go on the net. Dr. Horrible may just be threat enough. :cool:

Tamoh is actually a pretty good actor, I think. At times I have wondered if it is Tamoh or Helo who is more Keaneau-like in BSG, but this clip helps convince me that it is a deliberate choice. Yay.

I just read some news that says Mark Shepard will be appearing on Dollhouse.