Is Blood & Chrome still alive?

Hey anybody know if Blood & Chrome is still happening?
I was listening to a B&C podcast from the UK, but no episodes since August.
I would be sad if the project is dead.

As far as I know it got downgraded to a Webseries.

I think the Webseries part was a rumor, I don’t think anything has been said either way.

In any case, this is not good news. Syfy thinks the movie/miniseries isn’t better than the crap they show as Original Movies every weekend?

They just need to dress it up a bit. Giant Galactica Versus Mega Andromeda!

I’m still pissed they cut the legs off Caprica right as it was learning to walk…

then again I just saw the series finale of Farscape and I’m right pissed about that too…ran immediately to Amazon to get the peacekeeper wars…

I so agree! Caprica had so much potential. It’s a shame it was cut short.

Far as I’ve heard, it’s DoA. Especially since it was supposed to start in January and there’s nothing

Agreed, heard the same. I’ll find the definitive link, but it never got the double-plus-official funding to go beyond storyboard, so as proven with so many other concepts bandied about…that’s a cold slab.

Ok - last that’s been said as far as I’ve seen


MAY be online (back to that again) but not a sure thing

I thought that part of the reason Caprica ended was to focus on Blood and Chrome…Dammit.

Thanks for the info guys. Doesn’t seem very hopeful.
I think I need a BSG re-watch asap.

I thought it was going to be a movie or miniseries event, but of course no date is attached. Didn’t they cast and film some stuff already?

I did some webchecking on this after reading your question, Dawn. The most recent news I could find were articles from the end of August. From what I can glean, yes, there was rough principle photography shot for a pilot/movie. Most of it was green screen work, meaning the actors did their thing in front of a SFX green screen so that effects could be later shot/created and added to the scenes. The effects will cost money, of course…maybe this is why Skiffy is hesitant to commit to something (?), I don’t know. It looks like they’ve never really given any firm dates for release, and have been undecided on making a pilot, a movie, a movie that might be a pilot, or a web series. As of now there’s still no info forthcoming that I could see.

We now return you to our regularly-scheduled wrestling and MegaShark-laden programming…

Coming soon, to a barely-surviving bookstore near you: “BSG: Blood and Chrome” flip-books!

Assuming knows something directly from UniversalUK before anyone else… all of this has happened before at, as with Razor.

PREORDER: Battlestar Galactica: Blood And Chrome (Blu-ray)
PREORDER: Battlestar Galactica: Blood And Chrome (DVD)

DVD region 2, Blu-Ray region B/2 only! has a broadcast premiere date of March 27, 2012. No source given. They did have dvd release dates but have since removed those (February dates). This Czech site goes back to the 2003 miniseries and is usually a reliable source. It certainly is for rare BSG vids anyway. :groucho:

Battlestar Galactica: Blood And Chrome is finished - Doug Drexler, November 13

In eight months we did almost 2000 shots with ten guys. Now that’s not counting our compers i, that’s ten CG guys…[/i] - Doug Drexler (Newtek video), December 11

I would be recording the Eureka and Warehouse 13 Christmas specials starting tonight for possible Blood and Chrome teaser spots. I half expected one during the two nights of Neverland, but apparently there wasn’t. As long as we have the Universal home video discs I’m less concerned about what Syfy decides to do.

If Syfy is airing this in March, why would they be keeping it a secret? Start at least showing a few spots for it, update the website. Their half-assed way of doing things is going to guarantee this is a flop.

I really don’t understand the issue here- built-in and hungry fan-base for a spin-off of your AWARD winning series? Honestly, who the hell runs that network?

You know who the hell runs the network?

Well that makes perfect sense now.

I know, I know. It makes me crazy.
For crying out loud, just give us more BSG stuff !!