Iron Man interview with Robert Downey Jr. post-Iron Man opening weekend

This i thought was pretty cool. except for the guys voice. lol. anyway it’s the theme for Iron Man. The guitar is awsome. :smiley:

Frakking good.

The casting for RDJ was perfect, and so was the casting for the other characters (Pepper Potts, Rhodey, Stane, and - holy cow - even Nick Fury)
The dialogue was smart, natural and witty.
The story’s treatment of war as a topic was spot on: not preachy, and with the right amount of gravitas that the audience will get it but not be annoyed by the war-and-ammo backdrop (some movies are too draggy with that, the audience either gets bored or annoyed).
The MUSIC rocks. I wanna buy the soundtrack.

I never got into the real story of Iron Man, but all comic fans I know say that the movie is the closest to the comic as any movie can get. My brother tells me it’s better than Spiderman 2 (he’s more into comics than me) and Batman Begins.

It appeals to the casual movie goer: there’s enough of the core story and acting to get anyone involved in the storyline and be convinced by the acting. BUT! There’s a lot of easter eggs in the movie to satisfy comic fans (ie the end credits, the fact that S.H.I.E.L.D agents were all throughout the movie, Rhodey’s comment when he saw the first Iron Man template in Tony Stark’s lab…)

As Marvel’s first movie as a studio, I think they did frakking great. I cannot wait to see what they have for the Ed Norton Hulk.

So I finally got to see this. While I was not in quite the right mental space for it, thanks to my current job situation, it was still pretty frakkin’ awesome.

Going into the movie, I thought “Well, we’ll see.” Leaving the movie, “When is the sequel out honey?!” It was great!!!

I have to agree with much of the praise for Iron Man. The special effects and CG work was first rate. Some of the best ever seen in a super hero flick. I think they benefited from Iron Man being, well, iron. Some did not like the looks of the previous Hulk and even I am wondering about the up coming one. I think the problem is not looking to much like a cartoon. Which is funny when think about where these concepts come from.

The casting of RDJ was perfect. GP for as Penny was flat. I know Penny is not supposed to be a super out going character, but she felt like she was just reading her lines in some scenes. The chemistry for the dance and post dance scene was weak. The trash bag line was written very well and delivered okay. Bridges was solid as well.

Loved the lab scenes and the sense of going through the development process. It is a nice change from have nothing to becoming super powerful over night.

There were a few what I call Rambo moments where Iron Man should have been hurt or killed, but somehow survived. I wish they had toned those scenes down because this is the type of hero that you almost feel like it could become real. Sort of like Batman.

Clearly the movie was designed for a multi part series, so thus while it feels like it was a complete story. The pace of the movie was good in general, but the one on one battle at the end was very video game like, which also reflects many comic books. I just felt like they had gotten off to such a good start with developing the character in the movie that they could have delivered a stronger and more unique ending to this movie. Thankfully it sounds like the next movie will dive more into the head of Stark.

Clearly a great start to the summer movie season. Indy and Batman are coming soon. I can’t wait.

Please tell me you have heard that song before and know of Ozzie Osborne.

I personally think this movie was better than the Spider Man movies.

Also, the new Batman trailer did nothing for me. Think I saw the same movie 20 years ago. Holy cow!..that was 19 years ago…man, I feel old now. Maybe that’s why they are redoing it :slight_smile:

About the scene after the creds. I never understand why people jump up and leave a theater the moment the credits start rolling. The restroom will be crowded, the hallways outside will be crowded, the parking lot will be more crowded. You’ve been sitting there for two hours, what’s another 5 minutes?

Because your hubby is anal and leaves immediately so unless you want to walk home, you leave! :smiley:

Five minutes? What credits is living memory have lasted only five minutes?

The credits for Iron Man were particularly long, maybe even longer than Clerks 2, which credited the first 10,000 friends on their MySpace page. But it was so worth waiting afterwards. :slight_smile:

Ok ten. You missed the point.

yea, i was in the credits for Clerks 2. so does that make me part of a major motion picture by default?

Not where my overtaxed bladder is concerned.

OTOH, credits are long enough these days that you probably have time to double back after hitting the head.

Remember the days when cookie recipes used to pop up in the credits?

Very true. It’s because they all want to play there Vidieo games and world of warcraft. And yes. The one by Ozzy Ozborne was way better.

Man, you gotta learn how to pace yourself. Can’t drink that 80 ouncer before the opening credits end :slight_smile:

I figure it this way, I paid $12 for that drink so I’m going to make it last as long as possible :smiley:

I got home from seeing it on friday night and started drawing specs for my own supersuit. Seriously, if I can get my hands on some wood or scrap metal I’ll be making my own (not an Iron Man) suit of armor.

But I’ll start with gloves. They sound the easiest. =)


Just saw it again. Credits were just shy of eight minutes long.

I spent six of those minutes convincing the wife that, “No, a guy on Watercooler said to wait ! Just wait, ok?”

It’s never easy. :smiley: