Interest In Future Live Podcasts?

While the lead-up was a bit challenging technically, now that we have everything in place we could conceivably do another live podcast in the future – assuming there’s interest in one. So I thought I’d ask here.

The poll includes three options, described as such:

No, I’ll only listen via podcast.
This is obvious.

Yes, I’d be interested in calling and participating, but only for a one-off.
In short: you’d be up for one, but this isn’t something you’d have any desire to participate in on an ongoing basis.

Yes, I’d be interested in calling and participating somewhat regularly.
In short: you’d be interested in participating actively in a live podcast, say, every month or so.

Obviously timing factors into this – if you’re not available when we do the 'cast, you can’t do the 'cast – but we can talk times later if there’s enough interest. The idea here is just to gauge interest in the general concept: if the timing was right for you, would you care to do this?

Yes, I’d be interested in calling and participating somewhat regularly.

Although, I doubt that most of the GWC’ers would have much interest in hearing me… LOL

I think what would be kind of cool is doing a monthly phone meetup and then having it released as a DTA… if that is still around.

Either way, I would listen, and participate, as much as possible.

My instinct here is to keep it for special occasions, e.g. the first and last episode of a (half) season.

You know, as hugely fun as the live podcast was, (in fact, between the wait for a new episode and the whole live podcast buildup, it was one of the most fun nights of my adult life, definately in the top ten), a big part was the anticipation. If it happens too often I think that aspect would be lost.
I’m with Pike…maybe a couple more for the final season, just to keep it special.

I’m with Pike and Topgun

I voted for the about once a month option, but after reading some of the posts here, I think that special occasions might be the best option. Participating means staying on until 2 am or more, and that’s not something I could do more than once in a while on a Friday night.

LOL ! So true…I was completely jacked the night before, barely slept, then the big night, the big premier and podcast, and then… the big hangover, and then the rewatch weekend…I might not be able to take another 18 months hiatus !!:smiley:

Special occasions would be good. I agree with darthweef: maybe make it a DTA?

I’m sure most of the GWC listeners are more interested in hearing Chuck, Sean and Audra. Just a thought :slight_smile:

At the last one I couldn’t, but I’d call in and give my crazy theroies.

And would continue to listen - Just a little to chicken to call in and participate. But I cant wait for you to post it, so the soon the better

I am definitely into the live podcasting and also agree it should be held for special occasions. I also think we should experiment with it some, try different formats…one that I would love to try is a group watch of something, Firefly for example, where we all start an episode at the same time and the line is simply open like we had for the test. It would be like watching the episode with a bunch of close friends…or it could be chaos…which is why I like the idea of experimenting. Perhaps invite a “4th member” to sit in for an entire cast…experiment.

Anyway, I support the idea…especially if it doesn’t bring too much incremental stress into your or the crue’s life.

Hey guys. I thoroughly enjoyed the live podcast… I was just wondering if it is done in future, could it be 24 hours after the fact to give the internationals an opportunity to see the episode too? I understand you probably want to strike while the iron’s hot.

Yeh, the live podcast was uber Romo cool. すごい! :cool: I think that occasionally is good because it gives us all a chance to plan ahead so we can have as many there as possible. I also agree with threestringedwunda that maybe weekends would be better for many schedules. I like Pike’s idea about a few more for the season but i think it would also be great to do all year round. Maybe do one for special movie re-watches or book reviews. Not trying to make more work for anyone, just can’t get enough GWC. :smiley:

I’ll never actually be able to call in to a live show directly after a new episode has aired, but listening to the live show after the fact was still pretty cool. But it shouldn’t be done every week. Special occasions seem to be the right time for something like this

I agree with those above- it was SO much fun, and I think it would be wonderful for special occasions. (And for special rewatches, like Solai said.That would be brilliant!)

I have been pushing this idea for a long time…and it seems we now have a format where it will work

I’m the lone “I’ll only listen to the podcast” cause I don’t have a way to listen/participate and watch the episode at the same time. Have 1 TV and 1 computer…two different rooms. :frowning:

I think last time the podcast started a couple of hours after the episode aired. I think everyone wants peace and quiet to watch the episode. I only like listening to RDM talking during the episode, and that has to be my second or third watch of the episode. Now if he’ll only hurry up with the podcasts.

Umm…yeah I realized that after I posted…my excuse…blonde. :smiley: Can I change my vote?! I usually record the episode and re-watch it immediately. Was there an RDM podcast for the first episode? I check on the SciFi site but didn’t see one…and I doubt that one will be on iTunes since the show isn’t.

Not yet, according to his blog his recorder is broken.