Howl with Laughter (SFW)

doh, what about now?




Those “jerks” are protecting their bandwidth which they pay for. And their site probably says “No Hotlinking” all over it. :wink:

Well I won’t get into an internet argument over it. We can respectfully disagree.

Tolerance! It works, b*tches!

double fingersnap

had to add that in for effect :cool:

Super Target…er Tardis…it’s bigger on the inside!


and whoever said cats aren’t smart!! that’s great! Looks a little like my cat, but I know mine wouldn’t be able to wait long enough for you to finish switching the shells around to guess. Good share!

Another one from OneMinuteGalactica


Heroagens. giggle

Walking like a terrible actor. giggle :D:D:D:

Adam West talks to himself


You knew that one hurt me. I was avoiding a comment but you had to bring it up. You just had to bring it up, Uchi coochie.

The Commissioner and Chief held the phones incorrectly. Subconsciously they know Batman and Bruce Wayne are the same person.

Old skool conferencing. giggle

It’s okay, we have all walked like that when we thought no one was watching. Besides, it’s not like he commited a “Hate Crime” or anything…oh…wait. :stuck_out_tongue:


My neighbors all listen to dubstep
because they have to.


Happy Flag Day!