Sylar suff was awsome as always back with all his glory, including healing, although my boy did himself pretty damn good without. still i was pulling for a cid and nancy killing run thing with him and Maya, but shooting her is okay.
The rest was iffy, but as good as you can expect considering the writer strike and everything having to wrap up so quickly.
Nicky dead, that’s okay, not happy or hurt see her go; just shrug
kensai (sp?) trapped won’t be forever, but sure did make hero look like a bad ass didn’t it. Just the way, he was moving around in time a space, really made him seem like a superhero, more than they usually let there characters be.
Nathan getting shot, well not sure if i liked that entire scene, i just kind of came out of nowhere.
but sylar’s back and that is what i’ve been waiting for to bad we have to wait forever, but at leaste because of BSG i’m used to it.
BUt what i was thinking about, if the strike does get settled soon, but not soon enough to complete the season, they could do something like razor, i mean 2 hour tv movies, set in the universe, it could tide us over until next year, keep there raitings up, and revenue from DVD’s as well. just an idea, not that they’re listening or anything. but still.