I liked the premiere, it was slow and quiet, but it’s just the first episode it needs time to set up and move along.
I think my thing with Heroes as opposed to some other shows (Lost, BSG) is that they explain everything very carefully. They don’t give you the ‘wait, what just happened there, let me figure this out,’ (except in Five Years Ago), you don’t really need to spend a whole lot of time thinking about it, it’s much easier than BSG and Lost.
I really like heroes. I do a podcast about it…hehehehehe…one of my cohosts is an aussie so yeah…don’t you just love the itnernet? I get to see doctor who/torchwood months before it ever even premires in the states.
Awe, the internet…we love ou…or at least I do
I really like Heroes, but I’m not sure I’m looking forward to the beginning of the new season. Because the problem I had with first season was the first half, with all the split storylines. I mean over one episode it would seriously feel like you only progressed each characters story 5-10 minutes further. But once they started combining the storylines, once characters started meeting and teaming up, that’s when it really took off.
But after watching the season premiere, it looks like they are going back to the multiple storylines. suck.
On a side note. David Anders (Sark from Alias) still has a british accent! He’s from Oregon or something like that? I was looking forward to finally hearing his real accent…
I’m half comic book geek and half dramatic actor… So the geek side of me has a very high tolerance for crap. But, the actor side of me after I watch it goes, “if this wins an emmy or academy award I’ll be pissed
.” So my feelings on a lot of comic book and sci-fi movies and T.V. shows are “whew, that was awesome but, not awesome enough to win anything” But there are those few out their (Galactica, Heroes, and Children of Men) who are finally finding a way to succesfully meet the expectations both sides of me.
But, yea I enjoy the branching story line thing. So no problem here, thought the first episode was great. Doesn’t mean im not looking forward to a justice league thing happen. So we will just have to see where it goes.
I know how you feel, Hannibleking. I’ve mostly steered clear of sci-fi most of my life, with the exception of Star Wars, which I fell in love with when I was 4 and have never really outgrown. Lately, though, there’s been a few TV shows (Galactica, obviously, Heroes) and movies (Children of Men, which was just incredible, Pan’s Labyrinth, which wasn’t REALLY sci-fi, but close enough) that have really made me take notice.
Heroes’ first season took a long time to warm up, as I recall. At least it did for me. But once it got rolling, holy frak, it was a helluva ride to the end. I got the same feeling with this premiere, that they were just setting up a lot of pins to fall later. I hate to think the story’s gonna come in little snips and chunks, with about five minutes per character per episode, but it worked in the end last year, so I’ll stick with it (and I think they do a lot better job knocking those pins down in a timely manner than say, Lost). But yeah, the acting and writing aren’t quite on a par with BSG. Silly lines like, “Just leave her alone, okay?” when Claire is defending an unpopular girl at school just grate on my nerves and interrupt an otherwise fun viewing experience.
That is one of the reasons I like Heroes so much… They don’t need to have a big huge bang at the beginning to spark interest, and they don’t have “filler” shows. Heroes reminds me a lot of Babylon 5, from the standpoint that the storyline is written to completion before they begin making the show. I love that.
Nothing pisses me off more then dropped story arcs, or discontinuity, especially in sci-fi shows.
This thread’s been dead for a little while, and based on the last few episodes of Heroes, I understand why… But did anyone else watch this week’s episode and think things started to get a lot more interesting suddenly?
I just want to know when Mohinder took the stupid pill.
“Ah, I see what the problem is. You took the blue pill and the red pill together again, didn’t you?”
It’s on tape, and the wife and I haven’t watched it yet, so shhhh.
I did think, though, that things were slowly, slowly starting to pick up two weeks ago (mostly because Maya and Alejandro–gods they piss me off!-- and Claire, who is just annoying the hell out of me this season, didn’t show up at all on that episode). I’m sticking with it this season because, well, you can’t start a new arc at breakneck speed EVERY season, can you? (And last season didn’t, IMO, it just was so new that it was hard to put it down.)
I’m still watching and enjoying. The season did start slow, but this week was great. Yeah I’m sad to see Mohinder act like an idiot, but characters need to suffer and story lines need conflict. What I love about the show is that it does answer questions rather than veer off on tangents the way Lost has. Lost has so many questions open that I’m not even sure I care about the answers anymore.
Can anyone figure out what Angela’s power is? Something with the mind I think, the way she got Peter to remember. And she didn’t seem too surprised to see him in the future.
Even series creator Kring hasn’t been feeling the show lately. He talked to EW.com about how it’s broken, and how they’re going to fix it.
(Don’t click if you haven’t seen this week’s episode yet)
That’s really refreshing, to see someone in creative control make admissions of mistakes like that and promise things are going to be fixed. I certainly hope so. I don’t think Season 2 has been a total wipe-out thus far, but I agree that (a) the romances don’t work and (b) Hiro took too long in Japan – so good for Kring for trying to ramp things up. I’m just hopeful the writers’ strike will be over soon so that he will have the chance to salvage what’s left of the season.
(By the way, I actually really enjoyed the new hero in New Orleans – sorry, I am forgetting her name, Monica? I hope they will bring her back soon.)
It is funny, I didn’t think the beginning of the season was a total wash…but I agree with the producer’s assessment. I can’t stand the moon-faced boyfriend or the whole relationship. I think pretty much everyone agrees that the wonder twins have to go. I think the Peter storyline has been great but understand their criticism that it has taken too long to frame the whole “everybody is going to die” thing.
All in all, an honest assessment…how refreshing!
I feel like this season did start out slow, but Monday’s episode was just about the most ridiculously frustrating “To Be Continued…” I’ve ever seen. Then the preview for next week’s “season finale” states that two heroes are going to “fall”. I’m sorry for the preponderance of quote marks in this post, but thanks to Ronald D. Moore I just don’t trust anything that’s said in the previews of next week’s episodes. The point I’m trying to make is, are two characters going to die next week? I’m tempted to start a poll thread…
I acutally liked the season as whole, i agree that it starts slow and builds over the season they just didn’t get a chance to do that this year, personaly i didn’t see the need for the apology, are there some small complaints yes but that just personal choices and favourite characters things
I like the Bob Character a lot Still hoping we’ll see him turn one of our heroes into gold, before they end the season.
Elle, is kind of anoying, but ever since i started to call her inapropriately Handsy Blond psycho number 2, i’ve learned to love her for her foibles. everytime she’s around someone, you can tell there like “excuse me personal boundries, and why is this electrified stranger petting me like a kitten?”
Maya and her brother are okay, i’m afraid ever since they met up with Sylar , my only thought of them is hoping he gets his powers back, and kills them both, not cause i dislike them but cause i want our old sylar back taking names and eating dem brains. although if Maya goes off into crazy land with him they would make one bad ass Sid and Nancy kind of thing.
Over all a good season at least for me i just wish they had a full 22 episodes, but thats life.
Anyone down for soem Heroes discussion???
A future DTA cast perhaps?
Audra and I are plowing through the season one DVDs (and seeking season two) so we can join the discussion. Hell, I’m tempted to post a secondary (as in “doesn’t interfere with the other main one”), re-watch assuming all you GWCers out there wouldn’t mind. i’d really like to talk some Heroes.
I certainly don’t mind. It’s a great show. I don’t think it’s quite at the same level as BSG, but it’s pretty darn close. So talk away, I say! (HEY, that rhymes!)
Ain’t It Cool has NBC’s new Heros Season 3 teaser.
And, TV Guide reports that our favorite B5 captain will have a “Top-Secret” recuring role on Heros as well.