I really enjoyed all of the back stories. The show filled in a great deal of missing details. I was not so thrilled how they had a dream walk to get to the flashbacks, but the flashbacks were great.
When the flashbacks met up with the first season were very cool moments
I kept having “flashbacks” myself. I kept thinking oh that is why or that is so cool.
I know! I just watched it on Hulu, and when I kept going, dude Sylar is adorable, poor Sylar, he chuckled and reminded me that Sylar scared the crap out of me during the first season.
And I thought the Angela and Arthur section was really masterfully done.
I’m intrigued as to what will happen next, and I felt like this was even better than the first season - there was more psychology behind everything, excellent acting, fewer effects, but more impact. At least that’s how I saw it.
This is also a good way for them to deal with the bloated cast - by focusing on the excellent storylines and letting the other ones lapse.
yes! so that’s the feeling i was having! i kept trying to describe it but came up short.
while the flash backs were going on, i kept flashing back myself and pasting all the pieces together. That was great story telling. Probably on of the oldest trick in the book, but they executed it really well. Hopefully the rest of the season keeps up the quality.
On Arthur and Hiro, so how did Arthur knew about Hiro dreaming about him? Also, how did he get to that spot in the desert? Makes me wonder how many tricks he has already absorbed. Or did Arthur took more than Peter’s base power? Did Arthur took all the power Peter absorbed as well, and therefore already has Hiro’s power? Can Arthur absorb the same ability twice?
Anyway… can’t wait for the next episode… at least when BSG is still in a galaxy far far away, there’s Heroes and Chuck around.
I just watched “It’s Coming,” overall good, I think goofy Hiro is adorable but can get frustrating, thank GOD Daphne and Matt cleared things up. And really? The Sylar and Elle bit was lovely. It was a nice parallel to last week’s Arthur/Angela storyline.
Interesting to see what is next…
I’m not sure I’m ready to say they’re up to the level Season One was at. I’ve liked the last two weeks, but I really want some forward motion and action. I did enjoy the Sylar/Elle stuff, and he sure looked sexy in a really freaky way. I still love the show, but I want some fighting now that we know everyone’s story.
Everyone loses their powers. Thanx for watching.
I liked how Peter could use his head when he is without power. He had to hang around the guy for a while, so I guess he realized his weakness is that his brain is his older sister…
I am finally turning around to liking Sylar. Though I do miss when he was just evil. Pa Petreli for now is a very boring villain… Almost seems aimless and leaving his opponent running around to eventually plan his downfall.
Yeah, supervillians tend to be stupid like that.
The DVR cut off at the very end of Heroes last night as HRG was taking aim. :mad: Can someone post or PM me the ending of the episode? I really hate when that happens.
That was the end.
you know… you were right… that’s is what happens in this episode…
Has no one had anything to say about Heros for three weeks? Holiday stress, disinterest or is there a discussion somewhere else? I’m not feeling great about it and am happy for LOST to return.
Time rules, it is unchangeable. It is a big circle. Star Trek rules again. I think that puts it all together. :rolleyes:
Actually, I’ve just fallen behind, what with the end of the semester and travelling and now not being able to stream video at the family abode. Though the bits and pieces I’ve seen/heard are a bit… unnerving. I’m not sure I want to go to the effort to catch up.
I think people have generally been discussing in the frak party threads (on Mondays), but as I generally do Heroes on hulu, I’ve never joined in.
for me it was holiday craziness!!
“Dual” was amazing!
god I want to kick Nathan in the teeth though!! I also love the time paradox’s future Peter always seems to create. Future Hiro managed to not screw things up, maybe Future Peter needs to take a lesson from him.