Heroes 3x12 Our Father

Monday, December 8th, at 9 PM ET

The Final Cylon! :eek:

Seth Green, right?

Made the jump…anyone else here?

I don’t geddit

Edit: Now I geddit

Yep. Did y’all catch Robot Chicken last night?

HRG speaks Japanese.

Dog Status: Currently trying to bite the shit out of my arm

What’s little Hiro playing?

Run around like an idiot Claire, that’s what you’re supposed to do

Aw his Mom looks nice

This is sooo great. He is really acting like he’s 10!! Hiro is great!



George Takei is just so frakkin’ cool in this role.

He’s just playing!

Hiro is the catalyst!! Not Claire. That’s my guess and I’m sticking with it.

Yeah and he’s got a bad habbit of trying to bite the middle part of peoples noses

XFD at dual conversation

That was awesome. Claire and Hiro saying the same thing different languages

Aaaaahhhhh! I can’t listen and read sub-titles at the same time!!!

I don’t think so. Doesn’t she have the symbol on her brain?

All that killing and Sylar’s hair still looks good.