Heroes 3x12 Our Father

Holy crap after te frak up on Dexter last week with “CALL ANTON YES? NO?” it’s nice to see some TV shows use actual phones

That’s cold-blooded. Sylar is a messed-up soul.

Cerebrospinal fluid is the best hair gel. :stuck_out_tongue:

Stupid Lexus commercials.


Yeah. I guess. Claire did say that to Hiro, right?

How I felt trying to watch Steamboy yesterday

You know that from experience. Must be all those zombie romps you’ve been on.

Mama and Papa are reminding me of Professor X and Magneto.

“By any means necessary” O my

Sadly, I have little need for hair gel, harvested from brains or otherwise.

Blonde wearing the Six dress. 'Cept its orange.

Hey guys, just checking in. What happened before the thing with Hiro’s mother? I turned in a minute late.

Recap and replayed the last moments of last week.

Re-play of the balcony scene from last week’s episode.

Holy crap. It’s the Green Lantern Marine Corps

Mutant army. No way that can turn out badly. :smiley:

talk about a scary future

If by scary you mean awesome <_<

Wow that’s freaky. Changing yourself.

So much for the universe exploding when you touch your younger self.