Harry Potter & the Sorcerers Stone 10/16 @10 PM ET

I heard that people actually try and play Quidditch. How do they get around the whole flying broom thing. Nerds.

whats more preposterous quidditch or cricket, be honest now :wink:

“Don’t forget the nice wrist movement we’ve been practicing.”


“The last name Dumbledore means “Bumblebee” in Old English.”

Hey Sean, this really is just like Transformers!

No, I wandered away. :slight_smile:

I’m not much of an HP fan — just thot I’d poke my head in for a sec.

I love the feasts at Hogwarts.

mount it and grip it tight… and lean forward…

Like this:


Seamus face always makes me laugh in that scene

i like my idea better

They made the Snitch a real person. giggle


The bigger they are…

is it weird that i see snape and think shariff of nottingham,

Maggie Smith is perfect as Professor Minerva McGonagall.

but its not olaf

storms away in a huff…

I think it would be even more fun played on trampolines or in a bouncy castle.

Shoot the glass!

Noah was a drunk.

By grabthar’s hammer!

Grip it tight Harry!

This is what I thot of when you said the snitch was a person.


hermione is like all hair, and robes looks like a really tiny hagrid