Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!
I hope you’re enjoying your new place, and glad to have the move over and done with.
Happy burp-day Starbuccaneer!
Oops, I’m a bit late…
Happy Birthday Starbucaneer!
I’m late too, sorry. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Starbucaneer!
Happy belated birthday, Starbuccaneer!
Dang it! Another birthday I’ve missed! Mainly because I’m busy working at my new job at…wait for it…Starbucks!
Hope you had a fantastic time, Katherine!
Where is our beloved Katherine? She’s disappeared off the face of the internets.
Happy Belated Birthday, StarBuccaneer !!
Happy coming out of the goo day, Katherine. Have a frakking ossim day!
Happy Birthday!
Yay! Happy Birthday!
Happy Belate Birthday
Happy Belated Birthday!
Happy birthday on the forum!
Happy birthday! Have a great one!
have a great day, sweetie!!
Happy Birthday!