Happy Birthday, Starbuccaneer!

Ditto on the mending, but don’t listen to Audra. Never let a little thing like being Bi-pedal stop you from privateering. You are after all, at least part buccaneer.
Here’s to putting the curvy in scurvy!

Be your birthday ruckus and profitable, swabbie. Yaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

I am a day late to the party, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

I’m late too but I hope you had a great birthday!

Renew! Renew! :slight_smile:

Happy (belated) birthday, SB!

This young nugget did-- Logan’s Run is awesome. Calling it Carousel is the second best way to refer to death-- the winner is Home Movies, which referred to putting a pet to sleep as “making cotton candy.”


I am also a date late to the party-- I was out of town celebrating with a college friend. THANK YOU SO MUCH, all of you! Somehow it’s even cooler to have a happy birthday thread for me here than for facebook friends I haven’t talked to in a year or more to leave me a message. I love this community and I’m glad y’all are here with me.

Much love!

Pretty sure that cat was a runner.

Putting the curvy in scurvy- I LOVE it!!!

For sure. He had to be stopped.

Happy Birthday Starbuccaneer!!! :smiley:

Happy birthday, Katherine. Here’s wishing you the best fraaaaaking birthday in the 'verse. Your present’s under the covers:


One day, I’ll start adding pictures to celebrate…

[b]Happy Birthday, Starbuccaneer!

Look who got all prettied up for your party!

Hope you have a great day![/b]

Happy Birthday Starbucaneer! Hope you have a great day.

Happy birthday! Since it’s Monday, you’re legally entitled to stretch it out across least six days.

Happy Birthday! Have a great B Day

Happy Birthday!!!

feliz dia!!

Happy Birthday Starbucaneer! :smiley: