Happy Birthday SeelixSeesAll !

[b]Happy Birthday Kim!
So Say We All!


So say we all! Have a happy birthday!

to my dear lovely friend, fellow Twitterite, Trek Tart and Whedon Whore Extraordinaire,
I wish the most wonderful of birthdays. I’m so glad to have found you here!

Happy Birthday Kim
My Awesome Trek Tart, My morning West Wing buddy
and all around wonderful chick

Sorry I didn’t have time to wrap your present! :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy birthday!!! :smiley:

I have really got to start preping some pictures for these events.


Happy Birthday SSA!

Happy Birthday… Live Long, and Prosper!!!

Happy birthday Kim! May your day be filled with unexpected happy surprises!

Hi, Sis! Here are those Barbie dolls I stole from you. Sorry. I’m giving them back to you, and I dressed them up for the occasion!

Thanks TG! I feel like a Princess! But not a fairy princess.

Thank you Armando!! :smiley:

Oh D! I feel the same! Wait…there’s something in my eye…

An actual Trek Tart? Awesome! If I were President, you would totally be my Charlie! :smiley:

Wait, there’s still some wrapping left. I’ll take it from here. Merci Badger. le sigh

Hello,Operator? Just wanna say thanks.

Pic not required. Thanks AT! You are indeed great!

I plan to. Awesome party BTW. Love the hats! Gracias!

Audra, if this was my birthday surprise, it would be my last birthday! thud

Why does she want him to knock it off? :confused:

Hmm… meat!

Thanks for the cake, Bro. Did you bake that yourself? If you did, I’m telling. Remember what happened last time you put something in the oven? :eek:

Glad you returned my dolls, but I’m still holding these guys for ransom! Muaahahahahaha!!!

Happy Birthday Kim :slight_smile:

That’s alright. They knew when they signed up, it could be an one-way mission.

Happy, Happy Birthday SSA !!

Happy Birthday SeelixSeesAll! Hope you’re having a great day!

So I’m the one of the right, you’re the one on the left?
I’m cool with that. :smiley:

[LEFT]Mucho love, Deez!


SeelixSeesanAwesomeBirthday…One does hope…Have a great Bday, yo!!