Happy Birthday SeelixSeesAll !

SeelixSeesAnAwesomeBirthday…One does hope…Have a great Bday, yo!!

Happy Birthday!!


So… the Playgirl equivalent of slave Leia is slave Spock?

Works for me! :smiley: lol!

Gracias, mi amiga! How’s that for a French teacher?

Danke, NBTR!!

I am!! Thanks B!! :smiley:

Kitteh! Thanks for the new sig pic. IBIMB :cool:

Fo’ SHO, J!!

Merci Splat!! :smiley:

I appreciate it, Boxy!

Happy Birthday, Kim!!

Oooh, I almost had to say belated but not quite!

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day!

Happy belated birthday!

I didn’t start work till midnight so I missed your day.

I’m sorry it’s late, but I wanted to make sure I had something special for your birthday!
(Dang actually having to work at work and dang that silly dentist!)

[b]I hope your birthday was as special as you!
Here’s a little Charlie for the day AFTER your birthday:

To paraphrase another of your loves,
“You have been, and always will be, my friend!”
Love ya, K! muah[/b]

Yes Captain! Your transmission came in loud and clear!

(5 days later) Thank you for the wishes, Emily.

I sure did, PartyOnDrew!

I like to think of it as “Kim’s Birthday Week”, so you’re right on time! Thanks!

It’s kinda scary how much you know what I like. But awesome too! Jeans FTW!! I so appreciate your friendship and this fabulous community that’s brought us all together. Love ya back!

I’ll be in my bunk! :smiley:

Happy Birthday Kim! We miss you, come back and play!

I miss Deezy. :frowning:

Happy Birthday chica!! Hope it’s a good day for you.

What up Seelix! Have an OSSIM B-Day!!

Happy Birthday! Miss You!

Hope your birthday’s awesome, Kimmeh!! miss you like I miss new BSG

Happy birthday, Kimmeh!

Oh, and…


Happy happy Birthday!

Happy Belated Birthday Kim! :D:D:D

Sooo glad you’ve made an appearance on Twitter today!!! Was unbelievably excellent to see you around again. :D:D