Well, that’s taking things to a whole new, even scarier level.
Does not compute. Need more data.
Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.
Just remember: this used to be my birthday thread. Now it’s down to beaver.
Lowest common denominator.
Now, we have saying here for that kind of situation, but a lot of it would get lost in translation…
Which is what started this whole line of dialogue in the first place.
Yes. I understand now. Too bad the first thing google came up with was Britney Spears.
Seems appropriate.
Is that what you meant when you said you’ve known her since grade school?
Ye gods, no! We went to Catholic school, raised in the teachings of Cathol.
I think it’s best that I say no more about Keara’s robbing of innocence, lest I be beaten with a pipe.
Again, NOT ME who brought up the beaver.
You’re the one who brought up The Angry Beavers. :eek:
A car? Mh. No, I, for one, have always dated girls.
That’s because German cars are frigid. I know, I date… uh, drive one.