Happy Birthday GalaxyRanger



Went to the fake Irish pub across the street called Solas (singular of Solai?) and they had nothing.
Walked a few blocks to Bukowski’s (named after the fine literary drunk) where they had bottles of Reissdorf Kolsch on ice. I think the bartender may think you’re a US Special Forces officer or something, but consider The Galaxy Ranger toasted.

OH! Happy Birthday GalaxyRanger!

Thanks to you both, Armando and The 'Herder!

That is awesome! Too bad he didn’t say IYKWIM or “I’ll be in my bunk” or just “oh my”

Thank you, Aset!

Craaaap! I’m always late, since it’s a new day there in Germany, Belated Happy Birthday Galaxy Ranger!

Happy Birthday!!!

Thanks to both of you!

I have to say, I must be a geek, because I was given not only the Batman LEGO Batboat, but also one of the Indy LEGO Kingdom of the Crystal Skull sets - it’s the one with the killer ants!! I haven’t opened the set yet, but I’m now in possession of killer ants, so beware me!

Okay, GR, now that your birthday is over, I have some bad news for you.
For the entire month of June I am going to be calling you “Beaver” or the “The Beave”. Sorry, but that’s just the way it’s gotta be.

The humor of which would be totally lost on me. I’m gonna play with my new LEGOs now…


ugh, sorry, my internetese slipped out there for a minute.

I still haven’t unpacked it (and yes, I realize I do keep telling what I haven’t done yet), but I could make a picture of me with the killer ants…

:eek: IYKWIM!

You should really keep your internetese covered up! :wink:

Hey Beav!

I’ve decided to pick up one of these for ThotFull and myself so we can avoid any retribution.

If you’ve seen the movie, then you know you’ll [spoiler] need a heck of a lot more of those and maybe BIGGER ones [/spoiler]


What’s that animal? What movie? We don’t have the likes of those around here!

It’s an ant-eater, GR! You know, in case you decide to do something evil to TFG or FT with the ants in your Lego Indiana Jones set.

Who’s FT? ?

A short introduction.
GR, meet the Aardvark (anteater):


frakkintalos (because of this post…)

Hey Beav!

I’ve decided to pick up one of these for ThotFull and myself so we can avoid any retribution.

Oh, right. Sometimes I get confused with all those acronyms. GR, FT, TG, TFG, OT, LT, RMHPH, LD, TGPAL, TAH, DXF, CD, DVD, BBC, STTMP, IYKWIM - it’s like I could explode! (ILICE)