still waiting on transporter tech
Thanx Kappa.
still waiting on transporter tech
Thanx Kappa.
Hey, look who you share a birthday with!
I wonder what she’s getting this year?
Happy Birthday, frakkintalos!
Brill-frakkin’-tastic, TG!
Total Trek high five. You know the one where we both have the Vulcan salute.
No one got that. You are absolutely right! Nichelle and I share a birthday. I’m not as hot, though. And I’ve never kissed Shatner.
Happy Birthday, Frakkintalos! Now you can get beamed up and frakked up all in the same pic!
Grrrrrr…I’m so bad. A day late with my birthday greetings for the great and wonderful, 'Talos. Watch this space. I’ve been working on my Birthday Poem for you, and will post it tonight.
Happy Birthday!
This is a truly orgasmic experience!
Oh goodie goodie goodie goodie goodie!
Thanx Lucky!
much to your profound dismay, I’m sure
My affection for Shat is purely platonic. The Gorn, well, that’s another story.
OK…the thought of french kissing Gorn is just…shudder
It’s not like that at all. The Gorn is cold-blooded and his affections colder still. He’s the strong quiet type. I just enjoy the chase.
Shenanigans! I call shenanigans!
come on!! Shat moves in to plant one on you, and you DODGE???
That mouth though…ick!
Getting to second base doesn’t strike me as being much of a treat, either.
Happy birthday, may it be an incredible celebration to you my friend, or shall I say flamingo
I’ll roshambo you for it.