Happy Birthday DeathByTray!!

[SIZE=“6”]:smiley: To my tweetbro, my partner in crime & fellow Whedon Whore, I wish you the happiest of birthdays!! :smiley:
And my gift to your stomach…[/SIZE]

[b]To my fellow soulless one:

I bet that metal would hold a GREAT edge!

Happy Birthday!

Aw… shucks… you guys! blushes

You really chomp, chomp shouldn’t have. You are soeog shwetetttasd. (talking with mouth full)

What makes you think I don’t have a soul? Didn’t I tell you about that gypsy curse? :expressionless:


You do realize this is why they don’t allow metal trays in prison, right? They hold an edge. But I don’t need a tray to kill you. I can kill you without a tray. I can kill you with a thought. With the Force which is strong within me.

Thanks, my fellow night-dweller.

Oh my god. That, that, that… is… so… (tears running down my cheeks) so… beautiful.

That is awesome, using the original definition of the word, awesome. Like a thousand million hot dogs. It’s really a wonder I have been able to even finish a sent… wait, is that, a fish taco? That one is a fish taco! One with a fish stick, and one with a real fillet of fish! faints

Happy birfday!

I’m a little late to the party. I did bring dinner, however:

Happy birthday, DBT. I hope the staff at the Death Star canteen make you a lovely cake. If they run out, have the chicken.

For your birthday…I’ll give you a choice…('cause I’m sweet like that)…

Your choice. It’s your birthday!

better late then never…

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Tray!! :smiley:

Tough decision? Nah, I didn’t think so :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday, Tray!!

Thanks, dude!

Thanks, Armando! I love how this is turning into a potluck. There’s enough food for everyone now.

Mmm, cake. Yay, first one to bring dessert to the party! Thanks, Keara.

Not late, dude. Right on time. Thanks!

Thanks, Doug Doug. :smiley:

Thank you!

Aw. Glad you were able to make the party, Lady. And, look, you’ve brought my favorite plaything!

(What? I’m talking about Mr. Pointy!)

Happy Birthday, dude!!

Jeff Vader! Can I have your autograph…

Happy Birthday, 'tray!

Thanks, dude!

I am Vader, head of Catering! :smiley:

Thanks, Cas!

This is no time to lose one’s head. No? How about this: Times like this, I want someone with her head firmly on her shoulders. No? I can go on, you know. :slight_smile:


Hope you have a happy one. Use this opportunity to get ahead in the world. Stand head and shoulders above the other guy. Use it or lose it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday DBT! I brought ya more cake…never too much cake. :smiley: