Happy Birthday DeathByTray!!

Hey, Happy Birthday DBT!!!

Thanks, dude!

Mmm, cake. Ho, hum, another cak… HOLY SHIT THAT ONE IS A DRAGON! HEEEEEEEELP! :smiley:

Thanks, Gryper!

Thank you! I feel like I’m slightly more evolved now.

Hope you had a super day Tray! Save me a piece of dragon cake, ok? :smiley:

[b]Happy Birthday deathbytray!!!


I took the literal approach.


Badger, that has got to be the best frakking use of a picture of the death of John the Baptist that I’ve ever seen.

How the hell is that a cake? That’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen!

This has got to be the best virtual birthday potluck ever! DBT, you should have a birthday more often. :wink:

Hey fellow Whedon Boy Whore, Happy Birthday!

Of course. But only if you save me a piece of buffalo steak.


I like your approach. Simple, direct and with a hot woman. Thank you.

Yes, that’s me, the Boy Whore. My parents will be so proud. :smiley:


Slightly delayed, shipping and all that, as requested for your birthday.

One aardvark.

Do with it what you will.

One pan-seared aardvark with balsamic reduction of mango chutney and morell mushroom, coming right up. And may I recommend a glass of chaardonnay to go with it? :smiley:

Happy Birthday Wesley Crusher!

Thanks, Aset!

Like I said. Will Wheaton doesn’t wear glasses. I do. There’s is no way he and I are the same person. Impossible. :smiley:

Happy Birthday DeathByTray !!
Sorry I’m late. Been away.
Hope it was a good one.
Many happys. :smiley: