Hey, Happy Birthday DBT!!!
Thanks, dude!
Mmm, cake. Ho, hum, another cak… HOLY SHIT THAT ONE IS A DRAGON! HEEEEEEEELP!
Thanks, Gryper!
Thank you! I feel like I’m slightly more evolved now.
Hope you had a super day Tray! Save me a piece of dragon cake, ok?
[b]Happy Birthday deathbytray!!!
I took the literal approach.
Badger, that has got to be the best frakking use of a picture of the death of John the Baptist that I’ve ever seen.
How the hell is that a cake? That’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen!
This has got to be the best virtual birthday potluck ever! DBT, you should have a birthday more often.
Hey fellow Whedon Boy Whore, Happy Birthday!
Of course. But only if you save me a piece of buffalo steak.
I like your approach. Simple, direct and with a hot woman. Thank you.
Yes, that’s me, the Boy Whore. My parents will be so proud.
Slightly delayed, shipping and all that, as requested for your birthday.
One aardvark.
Do with it what you will.
One pan-seared aardvark with balsamic reduction of mango chutney and morell mushroom, coming right up. And may I recommend a glass of chaardonnay to go with it?
Happy Birthday Wesley Crusher!
Thanks, Aset!
Like I said. Will Wheaton doesn’t wear glasses. I do. There’s is no way he and I are the same person. Impossible.
Happy Birthday DeathByTray !!
Sorry I’m late. Been away.
Hope it was a good one.
Many happys.