Happy Birthday Buddha

With BSG having so much religion in it this season, I feel it’s only appropriate that we keep track of our Earthy “starting forwards” in the religion game.

So let us all wish Buddha a Happy Birthday today, on this day May 12, 2008.

Speaking only for myself, I am neither Happy nor Unhappy that today is Buddha’s birthday. I am in state of perfect Buhhda-like balance emotionally regarding his birthday. Or shall I say my emotional state is neither perfect nor imperfect.
Screw it, what I’m trying to say is Ommmm…

Open a window. The oxygen will do you good.

How old is Buddha now anyway?

Happy Birthda Buddha!!! :smiley:

I dunno. You’ll have to ask Topgun. I think he went to High School with him.

Ommmm, ommmm, on the range…

If there is a Buddha, you’re going to be a frog next go 'round.

Next go 'round?

You mean…after I croak!

Frakking Ouch ! That was uncalled for !..ok, he was a junior when I was a freshman. And he stole my first girlfriend.:mad:

I guess if she rather went for HIM, then she deserved what she got.
You could’ve tried hot cocoa with peppermint syrup, though. Works miracles.

Tell me about it. Back in highschool, I was his partner once in metal shop, and he was like, “We must build a lantern that is provides neither light nor darkness, but rather a balance of divine illumination.” What an ass. Thanks, I really needed that D-minus in metal shop, pal.

TFG, did you do that rewatch of Henry V after all?

As the saying goes, “if you meet the Buddha, swirlie the Buddha”. (or something like that)

What’s the appropriate gift to give the guy with no material attachments?


A Head Six.

Look, it beats going to school with Jesus. He used to cheat whenever we had to swim laps in gym class and just run across the pool. :smiley:

Originally Posted by Armando
What’s the appropriate gift to give the guy with no material attachments?

To which Galaxy Ranger sez:
A Head Six.

Hmm…well, that could keep one from ataining nirvana…or be halfway there, depending on your point of view.


(get it? Nirvana? Nevermind? Ughhhhh…)

Not yet. I have to find it on DVD. I’m sure I can get it on Netflix–just get to get around to sending back "Barbie Mariposa"so I can free up a slot in my Netflix queue.

I want to pick a time to watch it (Henry V) when the wife and kids aren’t around so I can play it MEGA LOUD!!!

I was just asking because I saw you changed your sig. Thought a re-watch inspired the change :slight_smile:

I dunno. I thot Jesus was kinda cool. One time me, Jesus and a bunch of us cut Algerbra class and when out behind the bleachers with some water bottles.
Jesus turned the water into wine and we all got sh#tfaced.