I thought it was next week?
Not that it matters, since birthdays are an illusion anyway.
presents ain’t!
But a true Buddhist, having renounced all material posessions, would have no need for presents.
I went to highschool with Buddha in a past life… The night before he decided to give up his car (as part of his whole renouncing of worldly possessions), he took me to nirvana in the back seat… IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!
Edit: I am SO sorry if I offended anyone. It was only a matter of time before a post like this one would’ve shown up.
The Buddha would not be offended. He had a sense of humor, unlike some other religious figures. Yeah, Xolotl, I’m talking about you.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! Holy Craaap! Did you make that up?
Oh how I wish I did! It was a sketch on a show on Comedy Central about ten years ago. Just a few vignettes of Jesus in high school. Shop class, making a bird house (it sucked). Gym class: running through the pool. That sort of thing.
The show didn’t last long but that joke has obviously stayed with me.