Halo Multiplayer This Weekend?

Who would be up for some multiplayer Halo 3 fun this weekend? If there are a bunch of us, we could play standard MP. If there are only a few, maybe we could try a multiplayer co-op run through a bit of Halo 3 on legendary. If you’re interested, chime in with your general availability and let’s see if we can’t get at least a few of us together.

On any other day it would be great but…my brother is getting married so my entire life is on hold until Monday next week.

Next time definitely.


I’ll be around in the evenings. But not really during the day (due to work) but anything after say 9 pm eastern and I can be on.

btw chuck I sent you a pm like when you started the forum. answer it! lol.


Why not… I’ll see whats on my plate for the weekend but as far as I know id like to get my halo fix on this weekend. I havent tried the online co-op so i will be intrested to see how well it works.

Sounds good. I’m free all weekend.

Update: I may be on a bit this afternoon, but I think my for-sure time will be Sunday afternoon.

Sunday afternoon will work for me, cause thats like late night sunday here and I never have anything to do

Thanks for adding me as well Chuck.


Hey…wait a minute…

…if Chuck is playing Halo from 4 to 11 on Sunday…and there is no podcast post yet…

…are they recording at midnight? Oh no! No podcast! No podcast! Chaos descends! There will be marching in the streets! Dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria! Think of the children!

Aieee! Save yourselves!

Maybe theyll do the podcast through Xbox live, every so often you’ll hear a ten year old shout racist obscenities and random explosions.

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OK – another quick update. Audra and I did manage to hook up with CodeAndrew and Hannibleking, but CodeAndrew had some MTS problems, and just a little bit after starting a co-op game with Hannibleking we ended up with some kind of network issue as well. And Audra and I never could get our headsets working.

Am I missing something? This was really easy with Halo 2, but I can’t get Halo 3 voice working for anything. Could either of you hear us at all?

I’d really like to get some co-op (and other) games going, but it’s incredibly frustrating when the gear doesn’t work!

I heard you some of the time. And as far as voice, yea keep in mind their are two places for settings xbox 360 voice settings and Halo 3 also has its own settings. Also I have had many problems with the NAT setting, I know what to do now but it will hinder your connections. Code andrew had some problems with that. Do a connection test and see what it comes up with.

It sucks I couldn’t take part in this. Maybe next we’ll have a more set time and I won’t be knee deep in reading assignments. :slight_smile:

Hah not much happened really… so youre good.

Yeah, sounds like it’s an issue with my router config – and fraked up settings in Halo for voice. I’ll get it right for next time.

I usually don’t have a problem accepting anyone’s invites Chuck. The only time I did was with some people I played with that were at college and I think the college connection isn’t allowed to be totally open or something and it would block me sometimes. It’s just weird.

Yeah, I think the problems tonight are totally my fault. I’ll go to xboxlive.com and go through the whole troubleshooting procedure there and figure out what the deal is, then we can give this a try again – with better results.

I’m reminded of Eddie Murphy – whom I attempted to channel in the latest podcast – in BHC 2 (or was it three?): “That’s it. Everyone go home. Party’s over. Chuck fraked it up for everyone.”

you not doing co-op chuck?

Not all is lost. I got to play a round with CodeAndrew.

Sweet. And thought I still can’t get voice to work right, Audra and I did manage to hop back on and get in some non co-op. We player some slayer, then some team slayer/other games. Good stuff.

Miguel I would of played more but Chuck tried to invite me during our game and then i tried to play with him after but he wouldn’t invite me again… (sadpanda)