Halo Multiplayer This Weekend?

We finally got to play… Just finished. I sucked, I had a killer headache the entire time. freaking rain, only problem with living in the DFW area is the frequent thunderstorms that screw up my allergies. But, anywho yea it worked out.

I tried inviting you a few times, but once we ended up in a party it wouldn’t let me. Sadly, I’m really behind the times with Live’s functionality as I just bought the 360. I feel like my dad when he’d ask me to hook up his stereo years ago. Doh!

We did pretty well at team slayer, and we won one game of land grab, but after that it was pretty much us getting our ass handed to us at VIP, CTF, and neutral assault.

I’m totally in for some of that action. I wish I’d read this sooner as I had my nephew in town and all we did was play Halo.

My live name is the same (brittonlj). And as for headsets, I haven’t had any issues with other people I’ve played.

Don’t feel bad. I’m terrible with the interface too. I didn’t know how to customize my Spartan until about 4 days after getting the game. I still want to create more custom games but I never have enough people to invite.

Games like Rocket Race and Battleship (or Pirate Ship).

brittonlj - expect an add from me soon!

i might be able to on friday
ill post later to give gamertag(not mine, hanging w/froends)
and times

LOL dude
i ahve to lengthen this to 10 characters FRAK

FYI, everyone, I put another game on the calendar for next Monday evening. Best of all: you don’t have to wait for loser me to get my sh-tuff together. Just jump in a game and invite any of the people you see here to join. We’ll do the same, and hopefully we’ll all end up in a party on MP. Either way, though, everyone have a good time.

ANyone up for some Halo action this weekend i think ill be on Sunday

people are still playing halo 3? All Call of Duty for me now!! lol. just messing but I will be playing that more than halo but will play halo if invited.

What is your gamertag?

I’ll be playing Halo 3 until Assassin’s Creed comes out.

Ill be sure to jump on, as soon as I get off set if you guys are still playing on Sunday.

I’d be up for some, maybe Sunday evening (CT)?

ill see
stil dont have the Xbox, going to a friends, might watch some matrix, might watch some last starfighter/blade runner def. some halo though ill post later for better times.
chuch:haha CT
Eastern standard pwns
On COD:i was w/ my dad when we saw a preview for it he was like Awesome i wanna play it…he then saw it was a Call of Duity game and said "I dont care how goo dit is, killing Nazis is WAY better"His fater, my grandfather was a slave to Nazi Geremany, and it was really ffunny

I’m up for some multiplayer over the holiday weekend, anyone else?

I know Audra’d like to get down on this, and I probably would, too. Times?

My weekend is pretty much open, so I’m open to suggestion. I’ll actually be playing tonight for a bit, so if you’re on and you see me then toss an invite my way.

If any of you see me online be sure to send me an invite to join you guys! If I’m playing Assassin’s Creed just send me a message and I’ll put on Halo 3.:slight_smile:

i dont think ill be able most of my friendw w/Xbox 360s are gone
and my dad decided to get a Wi:mad: because my sister wanter one:mad::mad: im pissed

I realize this thread is being somewhat necro’d, but considering that ODST and Reach have come out since the last post on this thread, it seems relevant again.

Would anyone be up for having Reach frak parties on Xbox, or even having 16 GWCers completely screw around in Forge some weekend?

In a word: Yes!