GWC Steam Group

We could try to set up a company for multiplayer, but I don’t know if we have enough people who have MW2 on Steam to do it.
GWCers who would be interested in Co-op or a multiplayer company, Sound Off!

so far we have:

I will update this list as people post.

I am on Steam too, I just reinstalled my OS n 4got my username but i’ll add it here when i can. I am happy to find some cool adults to play with online!

Ant RTS fans out there? C&C is my fav, but i have SupCom World at war War Hammer and a host more. PM me if u wanna connect.

When I saw MW2 I wasn’t thinking Mod War 2. I was going way back to MechWarrior 2:D

I have a steam account but I use it mostly for L4D and L4D2…