GWC Post a Day Challenge

We have all seen the Forum go through ebbs and flows of high activity and desert. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy when people become less active people have less reason to check into the Forum, which means less activity, and so on, and so on.

I realize that if people were to commit on posting one thing a day we could quickly reverse this trend and bring some awesomness back. I totally understand with Twitter, Groupme, Facebook there is an immediancy that the Forum doesn’t have. The flip of that tho is why the Forum is valuable: it is permanent. Things you share here will always be here and others can always comment down the road. You love Objects in Space but have no one to talk to? There is a thread for that.

Will you take the Post a Day challenge? I’ve been guilty of not coming to the Forum, but the Forum really is the heart of our community. I want to see her shine again. Get creative. Get your thots out there. Share. Comment. Make us fly!

I like this idea…I admit I too have been kinda out of the loop the last six months (personal and family issues will do that to you)…but I need my good Sci-Fi discussions and this is the best place for it…count me as in!

well I did go from not being here for months to once a week for the frak party. Might slowing work back up to 7 days a week.

Great suggestion, Solai! :slight_smile:

Well said :slight_smile:

Does this one count? JK. :smiley:

Technically yes. Mostly no. :oops:

Hear, hear! Or, rather: here, here! The Forum needs our help! Thus, GWC needs our help!

GWCers are talking to each other more than ever… they’re just not doing it here. The poor Forum is dusty, withering, and neglected.

I’m as guilty as anybody of migrating the conversation to social media, but let’s keep the chatter going here.

Any newcomers out there — we’ll never call you “noobs” — please feel free to join in any conversations here, and consider yourself invited to the social media parallel universe as well. Any time you want to post a poll, deathmatch, anything, we’re always happy to see it.

Great idea (as always), Solai!

Yeah…we really don’t call anyone “noobs”…we call them “nuggets” around here. :groucho:

Maybe this can get sticky-ed elsewhere to bring more attention to it perhaps? :slight_smile:

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm Nuuuggggggggggggeeeeettttttssss. Nom, nom, nom… drooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllll

Something I think may help and am going to try to think of more ideas for are threads to inspire more in-depth discussion. I’ll try to post one of them at least once a week.

I just posted one in the Game Of Thrones sub-forum:

What about not posting anything for a week then posting 7 short message and one long one when you are feeling chatty, does that count?

I posted in the fitness thread yesterday, but nobody has replied yet, I also posted in the defiance thread, I can try and post once a day, with the number of ongoing shows happening at present I’m sure I can come up with something to contribute. I admit that I’ve not posted here for some time though.

Will try and do better.
on the “anyone else watching the following? It’s quite interesting” ID

My post of the day? I’m selling my MacBook Air 11" on EBay!

Sure. The idea is to drive activity up and reengage our community. We will take bursts if that is more your style. We don’t dictate here!

I move the thread as it is a good idea that it not get lost. Moving to News so it is the first thing anyone sees. In other news, “dictate” sounds dirty.

Thanks to Keir for the sweet siggy banner. If you take the post-a-day challenge feel free to grab a copy!

Yay, glad to see this moved to where everyone can see it!!!

In other news, “dictate” sounds dirty.

I’ll take dictation any time! Hey, how you doin.