GWC Podcast #95

THAT would be something: Helo’s on a mission with Starbuck, so Helo steps up. Maybe he develops a Kat-like attitude – which, of course, will later force Starbuck to drop again, in about 60 seconds.

“Hot Dog is the new Helo.”

Quick post, Time for other fav night of tv, Earl, 30 rock, and office. Thanks for all the welcomes, feel at home here, funny, smart people with good taste. wanna quick expound on that whole Geppetto theory of mine, when the Cylons left, how many humans left with them? hmmmm, cya later ciao from NYC

So Boba Fett was a Johnny Bravo situation? Naw, there’s more to it that the actor fitting the suit. Fitting the suit was just part of the master plan.