The twelve Cylons of Christmas,
Skiffy sent to me:
Twelve’s fixing Vipers,
Eleven lost an eye,
Ten stole votes,
Nine married Starbuck,
Eight made a hylon,
Seven’s stealing ovaries,
Six - Baltar’s a-laying,
Five’s left at Ragnar,
Four’s stalking Kara,
Three’s suidical,
Two’s getting swirled,
And a Cat to rule them allllllllllllllll.
+2 Awesomeness for the Fire Breathing Chicken!
Beee—uuut-iful, FireBC. Very well done.!
Perfect…we have a quartet. Here are my suggestions:
With apologies to the Police: Message in an Ambrosia Bottle
Going out to the final four: Play that Funky Music
With apologies to the Thompson Twins: Hold me Meow
Going out to Anders or Lee: Swinging on a Starbuck
Brilliant lyrics! It’d take me a month to come up with one. In the meantime, here’s that threadless shirt that Chuck was talking about:
yeah–that’s pretty much me right now…
LoL that is hillarious!
I have a terrible fear that I’m going to wake up in the morning and it’s still September 2007 !!! Fraaaaaaakk !!
Holy Craaap…13 hours 'till the internet stream,
23 'till the ball drops on Skiffy
Is it too early to begin grinning maniacally ?
Now, now… Don’t panic. Be calm. I know we’re all excited.
Me, I’m just gonna act normal tommorrow. I’m just gonna spend the whole day walking around pretending I’m Helo in Crossroads Part I. So when I go buy a coffee and Starbucks (of course Starbucks, where else would a BSG fan buy their coffee!). I’ll get my Grande black bold java. And then I’ll give the girl my money for the coffee. And then I’ll look at her and she’ll say:
“Uh, anything else, sir?”
And I will reply: “No, no, I was just, uh… Just remembering back o*n Caprica when the weather was about to change, you’d – you’d get this smell in the air. I mean, the sun could be out, not a cloud in the sky, but you’d pick up this smell and you knew that, um, something was just over the horizon. Weather’s changing, Felix. We need to be ready for it. There’s a storm coming.”
…like I said. Just a normal day.
hey now! i just got to the part on the podcast where they are talking about ricrdo’s chest in wrath of khan. I heard that it was a prosthetic chest, so i looked it up on imdb and found out i was wrong, but check out the imdb profile for a frak-ton of cool stuff about WOK:
In a perfect world, she’d then come back with: “So say we all, sir. Hey, would you like to come over to my place tonight and watch the season premiere? I’m a gourmet chef and like to make a nice meal and then do my yoga regiment in the buff while watching BSG. I just got a nice case of wine in from France, and thankfully the 60 inch plasma TV was just installed yesterday. And could you pick up my Porsche from the shop on the way ? You’re very attractive.”
Thotful drops coffee, sinks to floor in shock. from floor “OK!”
Hey guys. Lovin the podcast.
Strange question, but where does the ‘makin’ that RENT’ quote come from from the podcasts?
No way, Topgun! That’s unbelieveable!! That exactly what happened this morning when I went to get my coffee this morning. …well almost…except the end of the story. There’s actually two ways in which things turned out differently than you describe.
She said all the things you described above. But then I replied “Uh…um…Gee, sorry but …when I watch BSG tonight, I need to have my laptop computer nearby so I can participate in the On-Line-Frak Party. And I think your nude yoga might be distracting, and you might trip on the power cord. Man, that Kattie Sackoff is sexy, isn’t she?”
Drop my coffee!!! Are you crazy! No fraking way. Do you know how expensive Starbuck’s coffee is?
In retrospect I suppose I just could have said “Sorry, sweetie. I’m married.” But it remains to be seen how long I will remain married after say #1 (see above) to my wife tonight.
Ouch! Hey, it was very nice to have known you. Please have someone let the website know where and when your service is so we can send flowers.
Screw that. If she kills me, I’m totally gonna download and wake up in a goo tub. And then I’ll just stay in the good tub and watch BSG from there.
Oh. That reminds me. Got to remember to put a bag of pretzels and a six-pack of cold Sam Adams next to the goo tub in preparation.
Yes! You’ll get two thumbs up for that from me. SM was the only decent beer I came across in the US. Everything else tasted like goo or worse. And trust me, I know about beer.
Oh that reminds me, I better go get some beer. A few bottles of Erdinger will be quite nice with BSG.
Don’t quote me on this…but it is probably Chris Rock. The crew loves their Chris Rock.
Remember to put it NEXT to the tub and not IN the tub.
Right. The hairdryer goes IN the tub.