Don’t miss Wil Wheaton’s great show intro, plus lots of fun — this week’s re-watch episode, some Firefly, and, of course, a tiny bit of Mass Effect. Highlights: we question the Galactica’s sad lack of sunglasses (V had ‘em!), compare BSG’s radiation monitors to Magnadoodles, re-mourn Kat’s departure, discuss a listener’s contention that Starbuck doesn’t really sleep around, suffer through Chuck rambling about some Heinlein short story, hear Audra’s Madonna/Evita impression, listen to Sean’s answer to a great listener question (landspeeder, transformer, or green woman), guess what “job” Anders runs off to do after his reveal, run down the pros and cons of offing one’s Cylon self just for weight loss, and bitch about producers’ decision to revive Kitt — the original Cylon — as a Mustang.