Audra, was right on with the 3-2-1 Contact theme song. I was always a fan of the first 3-2-1 Contacters with Trini, Lisa and Marc. Kind of had a crush on Lisa. Wait a minute my wife’s name is Lisa! Hmmmm…
Speaking of PBS, Audra mentioned that Geordi was her hero. She must not be the only one, because I remember in the 90’s when the Republicans took over congress and descided to ‘reevaluate’ the funding for PBS and NPR. During the congressional hearings (broadcast live on NPR) LeVar Burton testified along with some experts on early childhood education about the benefits of having shows like Reading Rainbow on air. The funny part was when one of the experts repeatedly refered to fine work that ‘Geordi’ does on shows like Reading Rainbow. LeVar Burton was very gracious and finally said that she could just call him ‘LeVar’. It was pretty amusing.