GWC Podcast #71

This week’s rewatch episode marks the beginning of a brilliant story arc that ends with what Rolling Stone quoted us in describing as “the coolest moment in on-screen sci-fi since the Millenium Falcon arrived at the end of Star Wars.” We also get into this week’s not-so-action-packed ’sode. Highlights: We discuss Baltar’s incredible approval poll numbers (and the heated discussions that’ve followed in their wake), talk about Duck’s final act and how it fits into the Colonial plan, compare Gaeta’s actions to Baltars, question the Cylons’ ability to handle freedom, note (yet again) that New Caprica is totally a craaaaphole, marvel at the fact that the resistance is run completely by Cylons, review Casey’s true parentage in true hindsight, wonder about the origins of the Cylon basestar we see in the ’sode, debate how RDM will handle Adama’s possible early knowledge of human-appearing Cylons, and give props to Larry, the underachieving original toaster. Note: We ran long and couldn’t include a lot of the calls we received this week. We’ll get ‘em in next week!

Ron D. Moore on Sci forum said:

Jake is coming back.

What ever that is worth…


I totally didn’t notice that they didn’t go back and get the dog from the beginning of the third season. I have often flirted with writing a story about the humans who may have not gotten off of New Caperica during the “Second Exodus,” would anyone think it would be a good idea for someone to write one and include Jake in it. Thanks all.

Great Podcast as usual!!!

Haven’t listened to the podcast yet. Stupid work filtering :frowning: . But from what I have read, Jake the dog definately needs to come back.

And hey, if RDM says he may be coming back what if…Jake is the 5th Cylon!

With the whole response to Baltars poll numbers, I had assumed people were being sarcastic….or did I totally misjudge the situation?:eek:

What he didn’t say was “… as a robot dog.”


Okay so now is the beginning of my discontent, the diaspora of the soul, darkness and blackness abound… Because we are into season 3, and no DVD’d yet and I am too cheap to seek out solace in the haze induced arms of a quick fix at itunes or elsewhere.

Go pilgrim and pity my plight, but do not spare that loathsome backward glance as you slot your abundance from the last season. Oh Razor where art thine sting.

Dag gum iTunes…cut mine off at around the 35 minute mark…right in the middle of Chuck’s sentence too.

…And woke up in a tube of goo…

Imagine a basestar full of Jakes…

Yay! A ship full of puppies! The perfect antidote to the dark turn the show took in Season 3, dontcha think?

I’ll welcome his return, always wondered if he had survived the food shortage and didn’t become food himself.

Glad to see some kind souls protected the pooch.

A dog basestar would be sweet!!

A basestar full of Jake clones? Hmm. I honestly think they would look cute but would have demon tendencies. Such would seem to fit the story so far.

Instead of Raiders, LL Bean doggie beds could be attached all over the exterior, and Ol’ Yeller could be their hybrid.

Yeah, given the BSG moments I predict a shot of a redshirt going " Awww, puppies!" Followed by closeups of Cujo analogues. Fade to black.

I posted this in the Occupation/Precipice Frak Party a week ago, but since the topic came up in the podcast and there was some confusion over Tigh’s line (gardens, not guardians, of paradise), it’s worth mentioning again here:

  1. For me, one of the hallmarks of good fiction is when characters you like start doing things you don’t like, and characters you don’t like start earning your grudging respect. So much of BSG does work – as another viewer or two pointed out – in the tradition of occupation/Holocaust literature: How far will you go to survive? What will you rationalize? How do those lines shift? What does it take to get you off point, and how long will you stay there? All the characters are under various degress of extraordinary pressure, and some respond better than others.

  2. One of the minor plot threads – perhaps it’s incidental – that I really like, and which has gone unremarked upon, is the growth and education of Chief, who’s one of my favorite characters (and might make a good vice president under Lee, but that’s another discussion). He’s a very capable mind, and comes from good stock, but he didn’t go the ivy-league route or the gung-ho military fighter/officer route. He’s a blue-collar natural leader, and through the series, we see him learn all these hard-won, very tough lessons from Adama, and in this episode, Ty. Out of all the characters put through this crucible, he’s the one that seems to be coming out better, stronger, and more disciplined. I hope it all leads to something in Season 4, and we see him really step up.

ps. Re: The (alleged) douchebag Seans, maybe there’s a final five. “We don’t talk about the other Seans.”

I think it is time to share one of the greatest threads of all time from Scifi.comSave Jake

Are you in?

Just got done listening to the podcast, as usual its excellent. One point struck me as I listened though. You guys felt this episode was very bleak and didn’t have any hope in it.

I am probably in the minority here, but I actually found this episode very inspiring. The colonials are having so much craaaaap rained down upon them: 12 colonies go kaboom, constantly hounded by the cylon[z], and now their living through a brutal occupation. Yeah life sucks, and most people would just give up.

It says something about the human spirit when people refuse to give up or in this case the colonials refusing to go quietly. To me this episode was the most real moment in the show so far. It wasn’t a cheesy hallmark moment; it was about people doing their best to get through some bad shit. I guess I find that more inspiring than the hallmark moment.

Keep up the good work.


And the puppies have a plan…awwwwww

NO! Not on the carpet! Not on the carpet! NOOOOOOO