GWC Podcast #70

I am going to go out on a limb and state that I think that equals a yes. :smiley:

Your Alpaca is waiting for you at the door Frakkintalos. There will be punch and pie and the viewing of Ocean’s 11 will commence shortly. Don’t mind Larry…he tends to bump into things.

Just bring extra popcorn, there never is enough.

Me likes Pie. BTW, I hope my Alpaca isn’t shaved.

It’s just not right.

Speaking of Larry…wouldn’t it be cool to replace some of that tin can’s parts with a beer keg and some sort of coolant system? He could then be dubbed Larry the Cylon party god.

Or you could shorten that name to, “Bender” :smiley:

Quick little thing…just found a Ron blog entry that basically confirms what we have been guessing is the difference between the 'sodes and the webisodes:

Ron post