Baltar’s stats have the ring of truth to them, think about it.
First, a population needs a birth rate of 2+ per woman to sustain itself, which clearly isn’t happening in the fleet.
Second in 18 years, most of the elderly (where ever they are) will be dead.
Most of the women in the middle of their fertile years will be post menapausal.
There aren’t that many kids who will become adults.
Third, accidents, illness, Cylon attacks, will take their toll.
So, considering the time period that Baltar delivered his stats to Roslin, in 18 years the human race would be as good as extinct as there just won’t be enough of a fertile population or enough of a gene pool to keep it going long.
Also, that being said, this was the last podcast for me. Since I started listening with #18, I’ve only deleted one without listening to the whole thing first, and that was the podcast where chuck and sean spent most of the time ripping on Helo.
But I think this last one was the least of all podcasts. Just about every time Audra opened her mouth she was cut off and there was way too much pontificating and odd leaps of “logic” (the slippery slope of contraceptives, etc.) for my taste. I liked it better when things sounded like a conversation, but recently it’s been waaay too much chuck channeling bill o’reilly.
So, so long and thanks for all the alpacas…