GWC Podcast #173: Harry Potter, Part I

the hat sorts for what the person can be, instead of who they are now, that’s why James sorted into Gryffindor.

because at the time of the sort, i don’t think that many gryffindor kids seemed that courageous. Since Harry showed a strong desire to be in Gryffindor, perhaps the hat felt that Harry could become the person he wanted to be, instead of the person he was destined to be.

I remember the first time I picked up HPatSS. I had heard about it, sure, and while I appreciated the fact that it got so many kids reading all of a sudden, I figured it for a passing fad and nothing more than a children’s book, well beneath me. One night at work, I was bored, and someone had left the paperback version in a desk drawer. I’m guessing this must have been during the summer of 2000. I picked it up, started reading, and ended up taking it home with me, finishing it later that afternoon. Within a couple days, I went out and purchased it and HPatCoS. And then in September, HPatPoA the day it was released. I was hooked. I bought each subsequent book on the day of release, and I’ve read them all over and over.

I’m glad I was so wrong :smiley:

I’ve been thinking about how Chuck would get sorted, and my rationale would seem to apply to you as well, all the more fitting in light of your sorting result.

Mind you, I’m very much a Harry Potter noob, having only seen the first two movies last week, and what little I’ve gleaned from conversations with Keara. My understanding is the Hufflepuff has this reputation as a dumping ground for the leftovers, but that seems like a misinterpretation of Helga Hufflepuff’s statement of “I’ll take all the rest”. That strikes me more as including those who might otherwise get left behind, a very noble sentiment of fairness, allowing – even encouraging – everyone to participate.

If anything represents what GWC is all about, it’s that. :slight_smile:

I am a Ravenclaw! I knew that before the quiz too! Hufflepuff was a close second - off by just 1 point!

As for what house Chuck would belong too, well, i think that like Harry , Chuck could really fall under either Griffindor or Slytherine but unlike Harry, Chuck would choose to go to Slytherin. LOL.

Sean would most definitely be Griffindor. He is brave, loyal and a bit reckless (think of the leap-before-looking video gaming style).

Lastly, i would put Audra in Ravenclaw - Intelligent, Capable and Witty. She is also a bookworm like Hermione but i don’t think this is a Griffindor quality.

Also, if Audra dyes her hair pink, so will Sean and Chuck and so will I! hahaha!

From Sean’s vague biographical tidbits here & there, I’m guessing sorting-age Sean would have been a Slytherin.

My wife’s a huge Harry Potter fan, so I’ve been dragged to a few midnight release parties. I was planning on waiting till the movies came out before reading the books, but I saw this Spoiler T-Shirt (it has a Half-Blood Prince spoiler on it) and figure it was a fool’s errand. So, the day after the release of Deathly Hallows, I wondered by my local library and picked up Sorcerer’s Stone. I slurped that down in an afternoon, but [thread=“7597”]Order of the Phoenix[/thread] is far and away my favorite.

I encourage any of you to check out Harry and the Potters or any other wizard rock band you might encounter. Musicly they have vary, but they’re always fun. I’ve seen Harry and the Potters three times (any of the Boston crew make it to the concert in Harvard Sq?), though I most heartily recommend Draco and the Malfoys, if only for 99 Deatheaters.

I’ve sorted everything but Slytherin and I suspect there’s some truth to all three. If the hat were ruminating on its choice, I would be begging for Ravenclaw, however, and, as it was a very close second on Badger’s test to Hufflepuff, I think I would end up there. That said, when I can up Hufflepuff, it struck true for me. Cedric is the sort of fundamentally decent sort of person I really admire.

I also tried the official sorting hat, but I had the same experience Chuck had. What you want to bet it has something to do with using OS X.

I completely disagree. Of all the houses, Slytherin are the least likely to get into trouble. Note, Tonks said that she wasn’t made prefect because she lacked the “ability to behave myself” and, of course, Fred and George.

note re: “official” sorting hat - I got to it (and past the movie promo) by googling the harry potter official website and it had a link.

Even though Badger’s test had me at Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, as ever, the official one puts me in Gryffindor.

Thanks SO MUCH to the GWC Crew for having me on! This Podcast is so much fun, and I loved listening. Anyone who wants more wizard rock, I’d be happy to make recommendations!

Also, to anyone who disagrees that Tonks is a Hufflepuff, I’ll admit I thought that at first too. However, after my extensive research and character study, I’ve realized how right JKR was in sorting Tonks into Hufflepuff. Hufflepuffs are known mostly for their loyalty and strong belief in friendship. Tonks clearly proved herself as a 'Puff throughout all of book 6 & 7. She sat and WAITED and stayed devoted to Lupin while he was gone with the feral werewolves, despite the pain and physical side-effects (not being able to morph) that it had on her. And then, in book 7, her loyalty to her friends and husband is what makes her come to the battle of Hogwarts.

Lastly, I wanted to let everyone know about something amazing. Some friends of mine from undergrad produced “A VERY POTTER MUSICAL” last fall at The University of Michigan. This musical has been tearing up the YouTube charts for the last two weeks, and is worth watching. It’s hilarious! And the music is amazing. Check it out at:

Thanks again for having me! I loved the experience!


Hey Steph! Welcome to the forum…and thanks for joining the crue on the podcast!

Welcome Steph. I was surprised, but happy to hear you on the 'cast.

And I did about the same thing you did with re. Tonk’s house. It makes sense once you think about it.

Welcome Steph. You know what? I haven’t read any Harry Potter yet.
But your song on the podcast was so catchy …that I’ve been mumbling under my breath all day “Charlie Weasley doesn’t really love me…”
It’s been a tad embarrassing.:stuck_out_tongue:

Oh! I was trying to read through the entire thread and forgot to cover this: someone was asking about whether the innuendo in “Charlie Weasley” was intentional or not, and it totally was. Don’t mess with a scorned witch you know, she’ll spread rumors about you and your pets! :smiley:

Thank you for gracing us with your wizard rock stylings!

Great cast guys, I love Harry potter…

My mom got me the 1st when I was young and read it to me and I grew up with the books.

I love the story of Harry Potter and hold it near and dear to my heart.

Much like Sean I had a teacher who gave me another book they kept me reading.

So happy you guys are doing this arc. Can’t wait for the next one.

Nineteen more you can do it!

LOL, 18.

Oh As for what House I would be in…


And the crowd goes:


In that case may I give it the required IYKWIM. :wink: